
Im 13 and REALLY startin to love tennis. Is it possible for me 2 someday , if i work hard be pro despite age?

by  |  earlier

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I have courts about a half mile away and play almost every other (sometimes more) day.




  1. of course!!!!!

    you just have to keep practicing.make sure u play against the best people you can the pros and learn from the best.and dont forget to ALWAYS love the game.

    good luck

  2. It depends what you mean by "pro". You could be a coaching pro and teach others to play when you get older, if you really work hard. But it is almost totally impossible that you become a world ranked professional. Many kids around the world are being trained to become pros. They start coaching them when they are very very young. But you have no match/tournament experience. The chances are very slim. The competition thats out there is no match for a beginner. I recommend just learning the basics from a coach and just playing for fun-its a lifetime sport anyone can enjoy. I don't mean to ruin your hopes and dreams, but this is the honest reality. But good luck anyway.  

  3. Anything is possible like this if you work for it. Look at Micheal Phelps...he said he wanted to be in the olmpics at age 11 {I think} and went to the olmpics in Sydney when he was 15. Sounds like you are already working hard. Maybe with some professional teaching and courses you could get even closer to being a pro. You could also study other professional tennis players through books and online research. Even at your age now you could be a pro in a few years.

  4. I also started tennis @ 13 and I'll be 16 this fall and I'm trying for my high school team then we'll see where it get me. I spend like 4 to 6h practicing tennis a week =D You know, nothing is impossible .. =) If that's what you want to be .. then why not? =) Wish you luck!!

  5. Hey I love your enthusiasm and i don't really wana be a downer but you really gota look at the way things are against you here. I started when i was 10 and thats still late. But then again, like people say, you can do a lot with what little time is given to you. Take the best player on my team for instance. He started when he was 9 and he is phenomenal. He received a scholarship to play for a local division one college last year.

    Also, I'm sorry to say but having tennis courts that close doesn't help ya so much. Tennis is all about coaching and honing in on skills. Without proper private coaching it is almost impossible to become higher than a certain level. Look for a good coach! They are very expensive. If you wana play pro you'll have to find a coach that will devote all their training time to one player, you.

    This is how i see it. You'd have to play almost every day 4 hours + a day now, at least 2 of those hours with a private coach, play heavily in college on a good team, stick to a very very professional coach, then maybe you can turn pro before mid 20.

    Its a harsh world out there. The things you see them do is just incredible once you realize how much they had to train to do that.

    I am glad you have such a dream and i wish you success, i just wana warn you if you decide to go down that path it will be a very hard one and one that will not be very forgiving.

    Edit: Of course i'm talking about the adult male pros.. not the juniors.

  6. ofc u can.

    look at me mate, just wait....

  7. Hmm maybe not pro, but you could definitely get scholarships and play for college. That would be so awesome.  

  8. I started playing tennis at the age of 13 and I really love playing it too. Now i'm 15 and playing competitive tennis ( 3.5 ). I believe every tennisaholic wants to make it pro ( even me ). Best way to achieve your dream is to get a personal coach ( private lessons ) because you improve at a faster rate then taking lessons in groups. After improving alot, go tryout for tennis excellence programs because that's where scouts will be looking for young talent. If you have exeptional talent in the tennis excellence program then your bound to become pro.

  9. starting late is going to make all the little factors build up.

    you have to ask yourself: Am i rich enough to afford to hit all the junior tournaments on the tour? Do I have enough money for real coaching? Do I have the drive to do all the on the side training necessary? Do I live in a good strong tennis community or will that work against me etc etc etc

    Personnally I'd say no. There is about a 93% chance it won't happen.

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