
Im 13 and cant produce is there something wrong with me?

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im 13 and i cant produce all i get is clear pee




  1. In an age of instant everything, puberty isn't one of them. Don't worry; it'll happen in its own sweet time.

  2. you gotta be doing somehting wrong

  3. Hang in there - some things just can't be rushed.  Young people surely do need to learn 'patience.'  Somehow, they seem to think everything needs to happen 'yesterday!'  Sorry!  It just don't happen zackly like that!

  4. Some people start when they are 11 some people start when they are 15.  Your completely normal.

    Just keep trying.  

  5. no, you will be fine. Give it time.

  6. If you mean produce s***n... the clear stuff isn't pee, it's called "pre-***"... just give it a little while.

  7. you might not have fully gone through puperty,

    it dosent matter now what comes out.. unless your planning on having s*x and needing a kid when your 13 so yeah.

  8. maybe you just drink alot of water? ever thought of that?

  9. nothing should be wrong its just that you probably arent to that stage in puberty.

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