
Im 13 and i already have pubic hairs but my p***s is 4 1/2in. in legnth and its width is 1 1/2in. is this ok?

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Im 13 and i already have pubic hairs but my p***s is 4 1/2in. in legnth and its width is 1 1/2in. is this ok?




  1. That's actually on the large side for being 13!  Mine was barely 3" at 13!  Even in HS I just had 4 inches!

  2. yes. 100% average and normal and okay.

  3. Yeah its totally normal, people grow at different times you'll prolly be at your max length at around 18. Just wait, you'll grow;D  

  4. That's a great size for your age.  You have no worries and are completely normal.

  5. No. It appears you've got penile rectangularus, or, what kids on the street call, a rectangular p***s.

    Get it checked out by your doctor, it could be deadly.

  6. Yeah.

    You're a big boy now.

  7. yes, enjoy

  8. The ‘average’ length of an erect adult p***s is about 6".

    It’s worth remembering that the average adult p***s is 'designed' to fit the average depth of the adult v****a which is also about 6".

    There is no normal or average size for a soft/flaccid p***s because they vary enormously. Some guys ‘shrink’ a lot more than others when soft. You can NEVER judge how big a guy will be when he is erect from his soft p***s size.

    The ‘average’ girth of an erect adult p***s, that is the distance AROUND the p***s measured at the thickest point, is about 5". Anywhere between 4.7” and 5.2” is normal.

    Most p***s growth happens between the ages of 12 and 16 with a subsequent slower rate of growth until the age of 17 or 18. Sometimes up till about 24 or 25yo.

    Approximate lengths for under 18’s are:

    At the beginning of puberty 2.4”

    12 to 13 ....... 3.0" to 4.0”

    14 to 15 ....... 4.0" to 5.0”

    16 to 17 ....... 5.0" to 6.0”

    To convert to cm, just multiply the number in inches by 2.54cm. For example, 5 X 2.54 = 12.7 So a 5" p***s is 12.7cm

  9. of course its ok

  10. well at school they told us that half ur foot size is your p***s size so idk.

  11. You go dude! im the same! and i am bushy too...

    my p***s is 4 and a half to 5 inches and its width is the same!

    that is okay!

  12. It's perfectly normal. Don't worry about your growth. Your only 13 years old and have plenty of time left to grow. Most males grow until they are 20 years of age. If you turn 18, and you are still 4 1/2 inches, you are still considered to have a normal sized p***s. Saying the average ADULT is 5-6 inches implies that there are plenty of people with much smaller penises.

    Don't worry about it. You will grow.  

  13. dude, i was 8 when i hit puberty, my brother was 16, everyone is different.  don't worry about those things so much right now, you will have all the time in the world to worry about that later in life.  your p***s will also more than likely continue to grow just as you will.

  14. im 14 and im around your p***s size, and my pubs are like a forest lol, totally normal =)

  15. Sounds fine!

    Just don't pig out on too many Twinkies,

    you lose a half-inch of d*ck for every

    inch you gain in waist size, (its there

    but its smothered by fat).

  16. your just beginning puberty. everyone will get there sometime. just some earlier than others

  17. That's completely okay.

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