
Im 13 and i cant support my upcming baby financially?

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i dont know how i can support it financially.

plz dont tell me use condoms how stupid i am i know but i cant support the baby at all my parents wont help theyve shunned me cuz were already poor and now im in debt with my fines.

plz giv good information.

i owe 500 dollars




  1. Do you live in the USA? You're parents will be responsible for the $500 fine, rather they like it or not. Your family should be able to pay the fines by making monthly payments. As far as supporting your can't you're not even old enough to have a job. Let the girls parent try to sue you..for what're 13. The judge will laugh them out of court. What will happen is the court will take the baby from you and your girlfriend because neither of you can support it or are old enough to be parents. If her parents what to keep the baby then you can sign over your parental rights and then you won't be responsible for anything but you also won't have any rights to the baby either (which is good considering...). are still considered a child and the courts aren't going to make you be responsible for child support at 13. Let them take you to court, it will be better. Good Luck!!

  2. you can start by giving it a big deal of time to think--

    1. keep the child

    2. share the money issues

    3. go the the department of human services so that you can get medicaid, medicare, chips, food stamps, WIC, and other services; the best government in the world helps those that need it so go and get help right now.

    4. the hospital should have a charity program to help you with most of the financial problems; don't worry too much on this one.

    5. there are Churches that can help but you need to ask them for help so they can; they can also give some money and stuff for the baby.

    6. think big time on this one--give the child up for adoption but careful consideration should be taken--get to know the adoptive parents well.

    7. never consider destroying the baby even if things look bad; it is your first child and this will hunt you for the rest of you life.  

    8. be a good dad otherwise you will have destroyed your life, your gfs, and the baby's.  

    9. take a deep breathe and just go to your nearest department of human services they will help you  with almost everything even with getting into a house.

  3. sounds like your parents will have to be paying

  4. Check with Social Services in your area.  Every county and state has a group of people who help guys in your situation.  They'll help you get support, help the baby, help with pre-natal checkups which mom and baby need, and help keep your stress levels lower.  

    You already have plenty to worry about.

    Also, some unlikely groups, are often willing to help out a kid...Mad Dads normally deal with reducing drinking and driving, but they are very good men who would probably be willing to advice and talk with you.

    If you have church friends, please call them.  If you don't yet, go directly to one, and discuss the problem with the pastor.  He/She will guide you to some useful resources.

    Of course, work is cool.  If you need work skills, call Vocational Rehabilitation in your area.  They mostly work with adults re-entering the workforce, but would know who youth could talk to.  

    HeadStart at the local school will be a good group to be in contact with.  They'll make sure you are connected with people who can help with housing, food, clothing, and their work is aimed at helping the baby get ready for an education.  

    Get a part time job, and stay in school.  If you aren't in school, please go to the guidance counselor at the local school and get back in.  This is a key person to help you connect to lots of resources.

    Look in the blue pages of your phone book, and go right down the list of human services agencies...most of them will have some suggestions .  

    Realize that you are a youth too, and you need lots of help, apart from supporting the baby.  You need lots of support.  If you aren't getting it at home, tell the police you need help, and they will connect you to good really need a secure place to work out of...take care of yourself right now.  

    Talk also to the judge.  If you own these fines, they might be put off for a while, or negotiated for public service instead of cash.  Judges can be very supportive of people who want to change their lives for the better.

  5. d**n.That's not good.

    A helpful adult friend.Tell the government to help you.

    Disguise the baby as somebody elses baby, and that somebody must look poor and unable to take care of the baby.

    But you are in a very messed up situation.

  6. Keep going to school, get whatever help you can get from the government (don't know how that works there) look out for any charities that can help kids in your situation, don't say "I'm not a charity case" your baby is more important than your pride. As well as keeping with school, and studying hard, try get a weekend job or something like that. It won't be enough to raise a kid single handedly, but it's not just you, the mother has to play her responsibility as well, and if your parents want anything to do with their grandchild, they'll have to get off their ar$es and start helping and supporting you.

    Good luck, and well done for wanting to play a part. Everyone makes mistakes, it's how you deal with them afterwards that counts, and you seem to be doing good.


    Only do the graffiti if it's legal, you don't need more fines. You've got to follow the law book completely from here on in, no taking small chances thinking you'll get away with it cause all you'll end up doing is causing more problems.

  7. if you can't get your families 2 pay or those programs can't help...

    I would say give it up for adoption until you can get the money figured out!

    Either that or the baby is gonna be found in a dumpster!

    Thats ju the cold HARD truth!

  8. Fathers will need to pay child support. Even poor fathers need to pay. At 13, you probably don't have a job, so your parents will be liable for the support payments until you turn 18. Their wages will be garnished for the amount the court sets.

  9. ha ha nice story  

  10. in response to your gf concerns of negative pressure and gossip at school.  she will have to surround herself with positive suportive people at school.  she should speak to the counselor at school and maybe meet with them on a regular basis.  there will be people that will talk about her behind her back and to her face but she will have to learn to not listen to all the negativity.  and you will need to be there for her too, emotionally.  good luck!

  11. aww honey what you need to do is stay in school as long as you can, and maybe live with another family member besides your parents or a good family friend. try getting a small job first like babysitting or petsitting (you can make some good money with those types of jobs$$) and  try to pay off your debt as quickly as possible. also you could try being like a busboy (dishwasher) in a could also sell some old things on ebay or at a garage sale. as a last resort, you could maybe ask someone to loan you money and pay them back later.  good luck with everything, i hope i could help!!!

  12. go to one of thoes family planning services they can probaly help you. Or a free clinique so you wont need to spen any money and you can save.

  13. well you can't really get a job cus really what place is gonna pay a 13 yr old kid rite? but if u need a job, get a part time one i no pay is cr@p but u also NEED to continue wih skl

    try ur best to get government benefits, i think ur parents hav to pay up since ur underage

    a mural? dude u already gotta pay fines so leav that for a while

    and the pressure is gonna be h**l, just make sure ur surrounded by good frends and as u bcom more mature u'l realize that wat they say is of no importance cus it'll all be commin from little children hu don no wat ther talkin bout

  14. well go on wellfair and ask for help  sell all your stuff you have through craigslist . org and get free stuff from and resell it

  15. LOL what kind of ******* idiot doesn't use a condom idiot

  16. Oh I was reading your situatuion and I really do not think that you should grafhitti anything else, even though its considered a mural to you, to the law it is still considered illegal.

    you seem to have allready gotten yourself into so much trouble and I really don't want to see you end up in Juvi and with bigger fines, please do not grafhitti, maybe you can get like a big sheet of paper and do it, then you can like put it up on your gf's wall.

    I really really hope this all works out for you, I think you should contact Oprah, this is something she would put on her show.

  17. think of the baby, put it up for adoption, this may sound mean, but at 13 there is absolutely no way you can raise it to have a decent life

  18. sponge off the state like all the other teen mums. Seriously though, you are entitled to help from the government. You are still a child and you have rights.

    five hundred dollars is nothing, I was in debt for 25 grand.....and thats English. Thats like 50,000 dollars. Sure it`s scary but you can`t let it stress you out. You are forced to live in a capitalist democracy so let the people that pull the strings help you out.

  19. Maybe you should have thought about that before you had s*x.

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