
Im 13 and i have a foot fetish. Its really embarassing Any way i can get rid of it.?

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  1. Why get rid of it?  Just get a gf who likes that kinda attention.

  2. Don't try and turn off your feelings.  It's what makes you unique and special.  Keep your fetish under control and satisfy it with pix in magazines, catalogs, on-line, etc. until an appropriate time.  Trust me, you'll find others out there with similar (and really wild) interests and one day you'll find a chick that would love to feed that fetish!  Hang in there and just be you...good luck!

  3. good for you

    umm with soap and water

  4. Lots of us have feelings or fetishes that we would rather not have . So long as you keep it in check it is really your own business

    I think as you get older and find a partner this fetish will reduce  

  5. Yes, there is a POSSIBLE way to get rid of it, and it involves therapy.  But if you're looking for an easy "fix," no, there isn't one.  And you're 13, so I honestly wouldn't worry too much about it right now.  If I had my way, I would've gotten rid of my foot fetish when I was 15.  Now I'm 25 and I thank God I wasn't able to get rid of it (and believe me, I did try).  But now  I love that about me, and I haven't been the only one.  You will change your mind a /lot/ in life, and if we were all held to what we thought we wanted when we were 13.... well, we'd all be very unhappy in life.  Trust me.

  6. I am having ff from age 6 and still lives with it at 28. It's a pleasure which is special.

  7. Why would you get rid of it?

    Enjoy it like I do, it's great!

    And there is no way to rid of it, only self denial.

  8. its only going to get more intense have fun with random erections at embarassing times

    and if you dont like boners your not a man

  9. Yes, become a foot doctor

  10. As long as  you have it under control and you aren't grabbing strangers feet and such, what is the problem???

  11. Like any situation of this nature, keep it under control, as you would control your feelings about other things. Because, if you get too involved in something that gives you such feelings, you can find it very very hard to get out and it hooks you. If you keep it under control, which may mean, ignoring it, not getting involved with it, resisting temptations or whatever methods you may have, then it wont keep you under control. And especially if you don't like it then for the love of baked beans keep it under control!

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