
Im 13 and i really need help !!!!!?

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hi umm im 13 and my b/friend is 16 and im pregnant and neither my parents nor his parents want anything to do with us and we have nowhere to go can someone help me please

and yes i know that im way way to young to be pregnant




  1. Go to the local Medicaid office and the County Health Department.    The County Health Dept usually has an OB GYN on staff and they work with you to get help.  Medicaid will pay the bills and you will also get what is called WIC from the county.  That helps to get you milk, juices and cheese, eggs and stuff that you should be eating while pregnant.  

    Medicaid can possibly set you up with food stamps and some financial help.    Good Luck.

    Have you thought about whether you are going to keep the baby or put it up for adoption?  At your ages you really don't need a baby.  But I'm sure you've heard this all before.

  2. I understand that I have a good friend and one of them was only 14 yrs she had twin girls  

    but  your parents shouldn't be anoring you

    like that because you will need support  from someone  

    though out your pregnancy  

    including your boyfriend

    you should both stand by each other

    I my self am a teen  17 and my mums having her 5th

    and her friend has 6 and shes not married  5 boys and 1 girl

    I also had a friend she was 15 when she fell pregnant she had twin boys  and shes now 18 and has just had another boy  

    don't be scared

    email  me  through

    if  you  need any help

    I have 3 bros and another sibling on the way

    take care cate

  3. Well hun, it looks like you've gotten yourself into a deep problem.  I would try to talk it out with your parents rationally and calmly, if your parents boot you out, then try his.  If not, try an uncle/aunt or maybe even grandparents.  Also, maybe you have a good friend you could stay with.

  4. wow that is a big problem.  First you have got to get through the wall and try to talk to your parents.  They already know and they still love you they are just angry and flew off the handle.  Ask your mother about your options and you have got to weigh them together.  Your B/F sounds like he is in the same boat but his parents will be upset a little longer for being irresponsible.  Consult your parents and go through the options, and really listen to them they are looking out for your best interests.

  5. I know you have had many answers and most of them people actually want to help you. Any way, you really need to talk to your parents again. They really should help you seeing as your only 13. If they do not listen to you, go to a doctors place or a place that helps young pregnant people. And so if your parents kicked you out the place that you go to  will probably call social services. So good luck and everything even if you do choose abortion, it is your life.

    P.S hope your BF sticks with you.

  6. I think that what happen to you is a shame, but you are still too young to have s*x. Is their any friends, other relatives of either you or your boyfriend that would put a roof over your head? If not, try making an appointment with your GP and s/he might put you in touch with  charity's and homes that you could stay with. I would also get yourself checked for STI's since you didn't use protection. You also need to think about what you are going to do with the baby when it is born

    Good Luck

  7. i know this doesn't sound like the best thing but maybe you should get abortion so that you can still live with your parents or you can put the baby up for adoption after it is born and you can have a contract saying that you can stilll visit the baby after it gets foster parents. answer my question:;...

  8. you wrote here you're 13 and your boyfriend is 16 i don't think that you guys could do that.

    i don't think your boyfriend can .

  9. what were you thinking? your too young to find true love.. and this guy is 16?! ..he seems to be like a great boyfriend cause he got you pregnant.. he also seems like thoughs guys that just want to get in your pants. once again, your too young to find true love!! just be single and enjoy your life, you dont have to worry about all this till your older.

    ps. try going to a doc to get abortion(if you dont want a baby)

  10. Well you need to tell someone for starters. Your parents are going to find out one way or another. Maybe put the baby up for adoption when he/she is born. I wish you good luck and please don't have s*x again until you are older. :)

  11. I know this is hard but I am not here to condemn you. Right now, you are in a tough position, because your only 13 and you don't have any support system right now. You are not old enough to work and you are just entering teenage hood. I'm not tell you what to do, but whatever you do remember you have to deal with it for the rest of your life. Depending where you live they might have refugee house for teenage mothers. They will help you get on your feet and provide for the baby and you. Your boyfriend is young too so you have to deal with the possibility of him not being there for you. Hopefully, he sticks in there for you. Your parents will come around, right now they are just upset and don't know how to handle it. You shouldn't be having s*x at such a young age, you just don't know what that does to you. You have your whole life for s*x and love. If you do continue to have s*x, you need birth control. Hopefully, you made a mistake thinking your pregnant. Best wishes and if you need someone to talk or help I'm here. Just email me!!!!

  12. Go to Planned parenthood to confirm the pregnancy and then ask them them to help you find resources. You may be able to find a family to adopt your baby and someone to take you in like a church or group home. They will likely call child services after they find out your parents kicked you out.

  13. you shouldve thought about this BEFORE having s*x.

    i dont feel sorry for either of you, and i KNOW im going to get plenty of thumbs downs for this but thats my opinion. if you are responsible and adult enough to have s*x, than you must be responsible and adult enough to know and deal with the consequences.

    how the h**l are WE supposed to help you?

    go to a place like planned parenting.

    and remember, the only 100% safe s*x if ABSTINENCE!!!!!!!

  14. well i cant say that your stuffed cause i dont want to... the best thing you could do would be to find a youth hostel, ring kids helpline or go to a hospital free clinic. From there any of these places can offer support and in most cases a place to sleep. You will go through many difficult times so you really need to speak to someone person to person and work out whats best for not just you but also for the baby... good luck =)

  15. i feel your pain, and i'd tell you the lecture but i'm betting that you've alreaddy herd it... try to apologize many times to your parents because you are both too young to live w/out an adult!

    good luck sweety

  16. well, you have to decide if you want to have the baby or get an abortion. and if you have it you have to decide if you want to keep it or give it up for adoption. and once you decide that you really need an adult that can help you.

    so first find an adult you can trust. i honestly dont think you can do it on your own.

  17. OMG!! first of all..dont listen to mean answers okay!?

    First, you should go to your doctor to make sure. And tell your doctor that your parents nor his parents want anything to do with it...the doctor may be able to help you out.

    I just have one question; why would you go out with a 16 year old nevermind get pregnant with one?

    Good luck?

  18. theres not much u can do. just hope ur family helps u out throughout the process and good luck. maybe once his fam sees how responsible u r wiht ur baby and promise to never do it again, maybe they cud forgive you. altho its very tough, GOOD LUCK!

  19. Tough situation to be in.  Your parents will probably come around, they are dealing with the responsibilty you've put upon yourself and on them.  Parents usually want what's best for their kids, your about to find this out on your own.  And they are probably dissapointed and hurt.  If they've kicked you out contact a womens shelter that may be able to refer you where you can stay.

  20. Get help at the Department Of Public Social Services...

    Your parents shouldn't be like that..I know you did wrong but you're their daughter...!!

    Good Luck !!

  21. call up any relatives you can think of and tell them your situation and ask them if you could stay with them or their are also places for pregnant teens that get kicked out... google them

  22. Oh my dear did you know in many states because you are 13 and he is 16 that he could be charged with sexual misconduct because of your age.  Do you want to keep the baby?  There are agency's out there to help you if you choose to put the baby up for adoption.  I don't know a lot of places you can go to without getting him into trouble as well.  You can try calling the county human services to see what options you have but they may put you in foster care because you are a minor if your parents don't want you there.  I feel bad for you my dear.  You can also try going to a free clinic to see what you can do.  They always have pamphlets about places of numbers you can call.  Good luck and I will pray for you.  Let me know how it works out.

  23. Uhh.. go to planned parenthood. and ask them what to do.. I am sorry but your boyfriend most likely will leave you. So just talk to your parents again, and ask and BEG them for forgiveness. and tell them that you really need your help. Because they have gone throught his.

  24. Hii this is extrememly hard because you shouldnt be pregnant. Maybe live with relatives like grandparents or aunts and uncles..

    good luck!!

  25. You can go to a variety of places such as planned parenthood or the alpha pregnancy center. They can help provide you with everything that you need for pregnancy. I have also heard of people that open up their homes to pregnant teens that their parents don't want anymore. This allows you to have the baby and to have a safe place to live while you are pregnant. You could also try looking into some women's shelters. It sounds like you are going to go through with the pregnancy and I applaud you for that. You have the option of keeping the baby and raising it yourself or putting it up for adoption in which case you also have a few options. In adoption you can choose to have an open or a closed adoption, this would allow you to choose how much access you want to have to your baby. There is also an option that allows you to have your baby back eventually, not sure what that one is. You can also try going to a local church and asking the pastor for help. If you need any more advice I would be happy to help :)

  26. I'm sure there is a youth centre or a community for young mothers that can help. I think you should find out about that and seek help.

    I don't know where you are from, but if you really have no where to turn, go to a church. The pastor/priest will be trained to help or re-direct you to someone who can. They might even be able to help you speak to your parents.

    There are people out there who care and can help. Just reach out to someone and I'm sure you will get the help you need.

  27. No one ever thinks it's going to happen to them.

    You have gotten yourself in one heck of a pickle. Go the doctor to make sure you are pregnant and talk to him. I think the answers who say go to planned parenthood are right on. They can definitely help you to go into foster care. Shame on your parents and his too. Shame on them.

  28. Your parents still have a legal responsibility for you.  They can't just say they don't want anything to do with you.  They can relinquish you and put you up for adoption or hand you over to social services, but they can't just turn you away.  

    Good luck.  If your relationship with your boyfriend is strong, it will stand the test of time and when you are old enough, you will be able to live with your boyfriend and the baby.  For now you won't have complete autonomy of choices, but sit down with your boyfriend and try to make some decisions about the baby ie adoption or short term fostering until you are older. Try talking again to both sets of parents.  If you are reconciled with them you should be allowed to keep the baby from the start.

  29. Look for extended family to help you.

    Both of you get jobs to help you pay for everything you will need.

    Consider adoption

  30. On the bright side, its sounds as if he's staying with you so that's always good!

    But I don't know! Sorry! You should go to the closest Women's Center............. (Its not to get an abortion but just to help you through and get you food and shelter)

    BTW, Don't even consider abortion for a second! The baby feels it! AND you'd be a killer!!! Don't do it!

    ALSO, is being a mom all its cracked up to be?


  31. you need to consider all your options for example adoption. contact your local family services. you can hopefully get put in a place maybe like the ywca and get help for you and your baby.

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