
Im 13 and i want to know if i should cut grass for $20 or $25??? im saving up for back to scool clothes...?

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Im 13 and i want to know if i should cut grass for $20 or $25??? im saving up for back to scool clothes...?




  1. well my friend's doing it for $25, but he's going out of business since there were cheaper prices around. i say $20.

  2. 15! you wont get many costumers with that much money!

  3. How long will it take?  Who's equipment and supplies?  

    Figure what you'd what to make per hr...say $12..if it would take 45 minutes...$9.  I know I wouldn't pay much more than that.

    Unless you offer special service, $25 is way to much

  4. Depends, $25 seems like a good choice but it's to expensive, The yard size is pretty important, so I would say $15-$20 should do it.

  5. do it for $25.....why wouldn't you?

  6. i guess it depends on the area

    i pay my own son $20 to mow the lawn, aka allowance.

  7. Well Friend ur age is not suitable for outdoor jobs may be any resturaent hire you and so so.

    Now come to Point my friend who is aslo like was searching for Teen jobs and he got real jobs and got paid 120$ in week many of friends have joined that site.

    Go to then go to teen Jobs or ONline Data entry SEction check all link in search of high paying company because every company pays different some pays high some pays low.

  8. I would really base it on the size of the yard.  the bigger the yard the more you charge.

  9. If you really want to make some $$$ go door to door and explain your situation and what you are saving money for.  Let them know you will mow their grass starting at $15.00 depending on the size of the yard.  Let them know that you also do other jobs like washing cars, cleaning windows, washing dogs.....I guarantee they will find a job for you and might even pay you more than you expected.  Especially if they know it is for school clothes.

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