
Im 13 and i wont t o go to the gym can i???????????????

by  |  earlier

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i play rugby league and i wont to get fit and some more mucles




  1. with u only being 13yrs old i'll be surprised if you'll get in...but if u do they wouldnt allow you to use any heavy equipment due to safety reasons,if i was you i'd just do press ups and sit ups they do the same sort of'll notice a big difference in your size within a couple of months.

  2. My kids go they are 12 & 15 it costs £12p/p p/m

  3. Most gyms will let people your age join them, I join a gym at 14, they also should be able to set out a program to suit your needs.  You may have to get a parent or guardian to sign the forms on your behave given you are under 18, check with the gym as to what their policy is regarding this.

  4. Uh...Yes...I misread your question...Sounded like you said you won't go...You can go to the gym...

  5. Im 13 as well and I go to the gym so you can go.

  6. Joining a gym would be excellent for you.  You will receive some personal advice from an expert who will be able to advise you on a personal training programme.  The gym instructor may well ask you to check with your G.P. beforehand.  Good luck.

  7. Yes you can, please be careful though and enjoy it, good luck

  8. what stuped question is that

  9. Depends on a lot of things, such as your maturity, size and what other training you intend incorporating with gym work. Maybe a sports teacher at school can help you out or go down and ask some blokes down your local Rugby League club. My advice is that you make sure you dont just concentrate on a limitted area of your body and lots of stretching will be of great benefit so you dont lose your flexibility (which you will need for playing and limitting injurues). Depending on how big or small you are and what position you play/want to play will also determine the type of training you do. Start with light run/bike ride/warm up weights (following your stretch) that give your joints (shoulders/hips/knees/ankles) a workout. Do some flys and chest extensions, squats, calf raises,twists etc before moving on to your main gym work. Remember, it may be strength you need more than size, so read up how to train for each. I wont give any other specific info without knowing your situation and needs other than saying a few pushups/situps and chin ups will do you good. Push hard for your aerobic fitness for that is what a league player worth his salt needs the most of. Good luck and hope I have been of help.

  10. Yes you probably could go to the gym but dont do massive wieghts. Your muscles havn't fully grown yet so if you over exert them now they wont fully grow.

  11. Hey man, we all want huge muscles don't we?  The gym is a good place for young blokes like you, but make sure there is an accredited instructor there to show you the tecniques properly.  Muscles don't come from heavy weights at your age, so concentrate on low weights, but doing lots of repetitions (that's how many times you lift the weight).  You'll strip the fat off your body in no time as long as you eat properly (only little bits of junk food & biscuits, cakes and soft drinks).  Then you'll see the muscle shape in your body, and the chicks will go wild!

    As for footy, I coach rugby league and it is the best game in the world.  If you want to make heaps of friends, and play without worrying too much about winning or losing, you can't go wrong with footy.  Get to your local club and sign up, and keep us posted on your games and how you reckon your skills are improving from game to game.

    Cheers big ears


  12. go to a proper gym or fitness club where they show u how to train properly good luck

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