
Im 13 and im pregnant with a baby boy?

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my mum thinks im with my auntie but me and my bf are at a hotel. what should i tell my parents when the baby comes?

i won't give it up




  1. The truth

    I find it amazing that you know the s*x of the baby without your parents not knowing that you are knocked up. So tell them, "Mom, Dad, I am very bored at the moment."

  2. Keep your legs closed and stay in school..  Kids should not be having babies.  

  3. First of you need to make sure you are getting good prenatal care for you and this baby,and you need to tell your parents so that they can help you. Also you need to think of all the mothers (young ones) that have just thrown away their baby's in a trash can or had the baby in the bathroom, you don't want to do that to a little life. You could go to jail and you would feel horriable. There's families out there that would love to adopt your baby,if you CHANGE YOUR MIND,THERES ADOPTION!

  4. for a start,  how dare you even consive the baby!!!!

    im 13 and i wodnt even think of doing anything like THAT.

    pull yourself together.youve made a big mistake, talk to u bf about it and ask wether he will stay with u.

    u MUST tell your mum NOW, she can help you, if you dont your reationship with her will be gone 4eva!!!

    im trying to help you

    get iot sorted out and fast!!!


  5. Your parents can make you give it up, they control you, you're a minor.

  6. I'm sorry but I'm finding all this a little hard to believe.

    1st- why would your parents not have rung you at your aunty's.

    2nd-your BF must be quite a bit older then you for you to be able to stay at a motel and i still think the motel people would be a little sus on it.

    3rd-for you to know the s*x of the baby you would have to be atleast 18 weeks and there for showing so your parents would have to be very blind not to notice the growing lump under your shirt.

    4th-if your not in school they would havenotifiede your parents and if you are then some one would know you arepregnantt.

    Iapologizee if you are and this is all true and if so then for crying out loud go home and talk to your parents child. What are you going to do stay in a hotel till your kids born. If you were silly enough to get knocked up at 13 then besmartt enough to do the rest the right way. Dont let your child suffer because of your sillmistakess.

    good luck.

  7. I'm had the baby in the hotel? the title of this question makes me question if you even know whether or not your pregnant yourself and if you don't know that first you won't know if it's a boy or girl...yeah, I'm totally lost...your 13 years old, you don't really have a say in any of this....your parent will decide for you...sorry to say. if they honor your choice they will have to help raise this "boy"? still lost about that status of your pregnancy....born? not born?  how do you know it's a boy? 13 they are not going to give out free sonograms...or do they?

  8. TELL YOU'RE PARENTS! your in over your head and it'll only become worse the more you postpone telling them. like if they call your AUNT AND YOU AREN'T THERE!

  9. your mum is gonna find out sooner or later and your just digging yourself into a deeper hole by keeping quiet

  10. holy $hit ur pregnant!!!!!!

  11. well you HAVE to tell your parents whats going on, no matter how upset they are going to get ...for your childs health and your own !

  12. the truth but your like the same age as me and i woudn't even think of that and how can they make you give it up it's a part of you

  13. tell your mum she'll have to buy 2 car seats now!

  14. You had better figure this out and fast. First, is your boyfriend going to support you? Then bring him a long with you. He is going to have to prove that he will be right by your side with this baby and support you no matter how your parents react. You also need to tell your parents ASAP. You tell them that you are pregnant with your boyfriend's child, you already are (x months) and when you are due. You tell them you already know its a boy and that you and your boyfriend will do whatever you possibly can to raise this child. You make sure you have a plan, because if you don't, your parents are going to ask lots of tough, tough questions that you need to have an answer for. Then you are going to have to give them some time to get used to the idea.  

    If you and your bf can afford a hotel room, then you must have money somewhere.  

  15. Silly little troll.  What hotel is going to rent to a 13 year old?  Even if you are in a hotel with your boyfriend do you really want people to believe you are on yahoo answers?

  16. if your bf is able to afford to put you both up in a hotel its likely that he is much older than you which begs the question "what on gods earth was he doing having illegal s*x with a minor"?  nobody can force you to give up your baby, however unless you are able to emotionally and financially able to support this baby without parental help, you will need your family's support so you will have to tell your parents and deal with the fall out from that. If you think you are mature enough to get pregnant and raise a child you should also accept that you will be expected to be mature enough to face the consequences instead of hiding away like a child

  17. oh my god. are you out of your mind!

    im sorry but 13 is very young and that's going to wreck your entire life and im sure your boyfriend isnt even going to marry you 10 years down the road.

    the worse thing you can do is turn away from your parents because you cant obviously raise it yourself cause no one has a job at age 13 and you need their help and their support.

    I dont know your parents but im quite sure they will be mad at you but eventually get over it and help you raise the baby so that way you can also attend school or be home-schooled if you don't want kids at your school knowing that you are pregnant.

  18. Dave J. you suckT_T...

    your answer will not help her..

    tell to your mum the truth...

    the truth will hurt her...

    but it will be cured by time...

    how old is you bf??

    will he provide enough money for your baby??

    i think not..

    so go to your mother..

    for you to have enough

    money to buy things that your baby will need..

    "right education before babies" okay?

  19. Tell her im 13 and i have a baby boy.

  20. Your going to be a with it.

    If she has any heart at all she will learn to adapt

    to the situation..besides shell fall in love with the baby.

  21. omg!!

    okay well this wood be what i wood do if i were u.,

    choose what parent u like and get along with better call them and say u need to tlk to them asap tell them to meet u at the hotel and just tell/show them.

    there is going to be no easy way to do this but this is probs gonna be the best way.,

    they will b angry but when u only tlk to one parent they wont b there to through comments at you and back each other up.,

    hope this helps

    ps. u should of used a fknn condom

  22. babies having babies lol

  23. u should tell ur paretns ASAP. your situation wil bu much easier. They will find our soonner or later so tell them now so they can help you out.

    Dont worry everything will be fine. that is why ur parents are there for you.

  24. Just tell her the truth, the earlier you say it, the faster the tension will calm down. Remember, if you really love your kid, don't let him be taken by the mean doctors. The weakness of the Grandparent's heart is their little grandchildren. Yes, you may have done something wrong like getting pregnant, but two mistakes won't bring you to the right situation. Learn from it and be happy.

  25. wow 13!!!!! your parents will be pissed!!!!! tell them ahead of time is my advice. like now and deal with it.

  26. You will have to tell her the truth naturally.  

  27. Your not gonna be able to hiding a freaking baby from them forever.

    They would talk to your aunt at some point.

    And they can legally make you give it up.

    So you should either run away and never come back, [Not the best choice]

    Or just go to them.

    Would they make you get an abortion.

  28. do they have the internet at the hotel? and tell them your boyfriend is in jail for carnal knowledge that should be all. Im sure your parents will do the talking when they pick you up from social services..

  29. You are 13, so how do you know you are having a baby boy?  And, if you are at a hotel, do you have access to an internet to post this question?  And also, one last thing, you have another question posted about your dog bleeding - how do you know this if you are not at home?  Hmmmm, I think it's all a load of **** and you are making stories up, like 13 year olds are supposed to do and are very good at (I know this because I have one!).  

  30. are you at at hotel because you are due to give birth?

    if you can't tell your mum before you have the baby then at least make sure you take yourself to a hospital, they will help you through the birth and get a social worker to come and explain your rights etc...

    they will also contact your parents and tell them what is happening, but even though you are 13 you do have rights so don't be forced into something you don't want.

    what about telling your boyfriends parents maybe they can help you both, hiding won't help the situation.

  31. They will find out eventually so it's better telling them sooner rather than later..

    Hopefully they will support you all the way. If not, there is other help out there for you.

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