
Im 13 and my boy-friend is 14 and hes gunna be 15 in like a month ?

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Is it wrong for a 13 year girl 2 be going out with a almost 15 year old? just asking?>????????????????




  1. Not all all. What is age? Age is a few numbers that restrict us from certain things. Age doesn't determine how mature someone is, and doesn't determine whether you should be dating a certain guy. You like each other, so it shouldn't be wrong.

  2. noo!!  theres nuthing wrong if hes hot and respects you and is nice then dhatsz nuthing but if hes like 20 then yeah thats a problem  

  3. why are you asking me, you should know shouldnt you?

    you are the one that knows your specific situation and your maturitiy level and the way your relationships is

  4. NOPE it's not age doesnt matter, see im 12 and there's this awesome FAB guy thats 14 that i like and he likes me bak and well I kinda had a problem with the age but I thought about it and I dont care age doesnt matter if u luv the person

  5. No. As a matter of fact I had my first boyfriend at 13 and he was a year and a half older than me. He turned 15 before I turned 14 and we stayed together for two years. He was a nice boy and we are still friends now. Yes we did give our virginity to each other, but no I didn't and still don't regret it. With that said, you should really be responsible if you are in a relationship at a young age.

    Things like s*x are definitely gonna come up and I think that you have to, no matter what people think, make the right choice for you. No I'm not saying it's ok to have s*x at your age. What I'm saying is fallow your heart and mind ( not his words. Don't let him or anyone else pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do yourself) and think about everything that comes with being with an older guy. I think it's fine thought, as long as you're a smart girl about it. Oh and listen to your parents to. I know that they can be lame and strict, but they won't say anything to you that isn't in your best interest. You'll understand when you get older.

  6. I don't think it is, but when you say "going out" do you actually mean going out on dates because obviously neither one of you can drive.  Do your parents drive you?  

    Either way I don't think it matters.  My parents used to take me to meet guys at the movies before we could drive.

  7. Yes its fine, i am doing the same. And by the way people can date if they can't drive, they just get the bus or walk to the place they are meeting.

  8. Do you feel like its wrong?

    Do your parents have an issue with you "going out with him"?

  9. It's wrong for a 13 yo to even be dating. You can be manipulated easily by lying boys. Dating at 13 is dangerous territory

  10. Nope there is nothing wrong but I do caution you to take it slow and don't rush into doing adult stuff.  Just enjoy each others company and have fun "the no s*x kinda fun".

  11. Nothing wrong with that.  

  12. well if u r turning 14 this year i suppose but if u guys really like each other it wont matter because age is just a number

    good luck


  13. no.

    but i'm just curious, what do you do? hang out with your parents and go eat happy meals? neither of you can drive. i don't see why you date so early ages.  i mean going out.. WHERE YOU GOING? lol

    thankx for the points.

  14. Not at all!

    2 years is barely a huge age difference, I went out with someone like that before. Completely fine! :)

  15. NOPE. my boyfriend is 16 and i'm 14. nothing wrong with it. we r both happy. we don't tell hella ppl either though. besides it's nobody's business but myself. so if that's wat u want, there is nothing wrong with that.

  16. no its only 2years difference

  17. Well, I myself, being 13, think that 13 is too young to date, but if you really love him, 2 years isn't that big a deal. Although, if you guys are thinking of getting "intimate", I think it is against the law for someone over the age of 14 to have s*x with someone under the age of 14.

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