
Im 13 and my mom thinks shes god am i wrong to think that maybe shes wrong?

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I have many friends and my influences are very "advanced" however my mother believes that by shielding me from everything that my peers are exposed to im protected but i disagree. wouldnt it b safer to know what everyones talking about and talk about it with an adult than having to ask a group of 13 year olds? im mature for my age and very insightful however out of my group of friends im the most "protected". should i talk to my mom about my restrictions or let it go?




  1. Im 12 so i can see where you are coming from though my mom isnt that way. I think you should talk to her i you are feeling that way and i think you should know whats up. ANd yes you should be able to talk to an adult about things and get the information you need to know i life and its not always that best thing to be protected.

  2. I disagree completely parents that treat their kids like that usually end up having their kids get in a lot of trouble. Tell her its better for you to talk about things with her, that to find it out from somewhere else. And believe me, she doesnt want you being taught anything ny the wrong person. There are a lot of kids who had careless s*x or got into drugs or something because their parents didnt want to talk about it. Its way better to just talk to your child and tell them whats out there, so that they can know how to protect themselves and not get into any sticky situations.

  3. oh kay well i think that you have to be open about s*x. wether your talking about it with your friends or your mom. i ask you mom questions thats the best thing. and if she asumes something then you need to talk about it with her. so i dont think you should let it go. you do need to talk about it with her. thats the best thing to do.

  4. This really depends on what you feel you should know. Tell your mom exactly what it is that you want the freedom to experience. She wants the best for you. Does she know your "influences"? If not, bring them home with you and introduce them. She will feel more at ease this way. Then you can bring up what you want to be allowed to do. Just because your peers do it doesn't mean it's a good thing or that your mother should allow it, though.

  5. If you are hanging out with adults I would have to agree with your mom. Adults may have hidden agendas that you are just too young to see. I would not want you hanging out with adults. And believe it or not you are not as mature as you think. Hang out with people your own age and if you have questions ask your parents. I am about to be a parent and I'd love my kids to ask me questions - I'm actually a really open person and have no problems talking about "embarrassing" things.

  6. dude i think my mom is wrong all the time. i dont remember the last time my mom was right.

    you just gotta do wut u want.

  7. it all depends on what the restrictions are, for example you have the right to know about the world and everything in it, for the purpose that you need to learn whats right and whats wrong, but experiencing such things as drinking drugs etc is not something you should be doing because it messes you up and you are 13 and still young and healthy. she has the right to shelter you from doing but not from knowing (if that makes any sense)

  8. You are pretty young, so its not likely your mom is going to give you any slack. But I would talk toh er and tell her how you feel. Its best to be honest and get it off your chest.

  9. Young man until your over 16 your mother isn't likely to give you any slack so just grin and bear it.  Sometimes it is better to bite your tongue then to make waves with mom.  She does after all take care of you, when your sick and provides a roof over your head, food for your stomach and a bed to sleep in so just suck it up.

  10. How does she think she's God?

    What's her religion, Momatarian?

  11. From your point of view i see were your coming from!....but i also see were your mother is coming from!!!!......and your mom only does it to protect you!!!! she is right!!! should hang with people your age or around your age!....because older people see things in a different way than younger people do!!!!!.......oh and you can never be mature for your age even if you think so!!!!......and remember you should just let your mom do what she has to do and start hanging with people your age!!!!....because parents only do it because they love you!!!!!.......Trust me you will be thankin them when you get older!!!!

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