
Im 13 and need to make money by building a website how?

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on how u get ppl to sponsor u how u advertise what can i have on my website and good places to create a website. itll help so much!!! ten points best answer and 5 star rating




  1. i wouldn't recommend making a website i would try this first

    Here is how i made 350$ online in one month,

    I do a number of GTP sites (get paid to)

    These GTP sites pay you by paypal or they will mail you your check. They pay you to take surveys, do free trails,referer your friends, and join other websites!

    The best site of them all is

    http://c a s h c r a t - take out the spaces

    Second best

    And third best

    keep in mind that there are dozens of these kind of sites, i have done them all and i recommend these three.

    but if u really want that website, do what i did

  2. baby sit, dog sit, offer to walk dogs, garage sale, mow lawns, sell lemonade, clean houses,clean garages,pull weeds,ebay, a dishwasher at a restaurant(some do hire), paper route,wash inside and clean outside of cars, some fast food places hire, make crafts and sell them house to house.

    There are many opportunities, just find something you like to do and go from there. Im 14 and I started trying to make money a few months ago. I like to excercise, so I decided to mow lawns for neighbors(its not neccessarily something that I liKe to do though) But I do like to sell things, and I often do garage sales. Just find something you like and work hard at it, if you work hard you will do well BTW i just made 220 dollars at a garage sale with my brother, and I now have around 1,600 dollars. Good Luck!

  3. Ok well first things first you need to get the word out make business cards and hand them out to anyone you can think of I looked forever for someone to do my website it wasnt easy finding someone. Do one for free and use that as your portfolio to show people what you can do. Get sponsors by asking family members to help you out, but take yourself seriosly and they will to and show them your work what  your capable of. I would be extatic to show off my website to peope and tell them the person who put it together was only 13. Use that too your age being 13 and having skills to put a website together is awesome dont let anything stop you if this is what you want to do than go for it. Good Luck

  4. It is simple how I do it.  I joined a few gpt sites (the best ones) and then I made an account with freewebs and made a site about it.  You can promote that site and start getting in referrals for these gpt sites and you can start making money that way. Here is my site I made and here is my blog http://freemoneymakingresources.blogspot... I would suggest making a blog first though.

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