
Im 13 and pregnate help!?

by Guest31601  |  earlier

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i really like this boy who lives down the street from me. A month ago this boy asked me out. before i gave him an answer he asked me to have s*x with him and i did but only for like 3 minutes. i told the kid i had an affair with no and i asked out the boy who lives down the street from me. he said yes and now we are a couple. i now know im pregnate! should i tell my bf or keep it to myself? should i have the baby or have an orbation even thoguh is against my relegion and should i tell the boy i had s*x with hes gonna have a baby?




  1. GO TELL YOUR MOM RIGHT NOW!  That is what she is there for!  This is serious and important and if you are old enough to have s*x then you are old enough to tell your mom what is going on with you.  She loves you and she will support you and help you figure out what to do.

  2. It's pregnant, and abortion. Whatever you do, I hope you stay in school. You need to tell your parents and of course you need to tell all the boys you have slept with because at this point I can't tell from your question weather you slept with one or two boys. A DNA test can be done once the baby is born to show who the daddy is.

  3. I'm really trying to figure out if this is a joke or not. That is really sad. And I mean in a pathetic way.

    Oh and how did you digress in years?

    Previous Question:

    'I really want to have a baby am i to young?

    i am 18 years old and have a stedy boyfriend. i babysitt my younger cousins daily and take care of them well. i also have a job. i work everday after school and most weekends. i live in a hug house with my parents. am i to young raise and support a child?'

    hmm.. you're loosing credibility fast chica.

  4. Tell me your secret on how to stay young. 23 hours ago you were 18 and wanting to have a baby, now you're 13 and having one?

    Amazing. You should go on Maury, or Oprah, or something. Or get a life. That's an idea!

  5. so are you 18 or 13 as you was 18 in your last question

  6. ew you're thirteen what's wrong with you?

    firstly spell correctly, it's abortion not orbation.

    don't kill a baby because you are irresponsible.

    tell who ever you want to that you are pregnant.

    if you do have the baby wtf?! of course you have to tell the dad

    and i really hope this question is a joke.

    talk to your parents

    that's grimeyyy.


  7. If you had a positive test, then the baby's heart is already beating.  Don't kill the baby, but go to the doctor and make sure everything is alright.  At 13, there are a lot of complications in pregnancy and birth, so for goodness sake you need to tell your parents!  If you know for sure you're pregnant, wait until you are 12 weeks along to tell the baby's father.  If you're going to have a miscarriage it most likely will have happened by then.  If you get to 12 weeks then you know this baby is strong and will fight for life.  Then, yes, you need to tell him - if for no other reason than he might think twice before having s*x with a 13 year old girl again!  And as for that - be more careful next time!!!

  8. Well, Assuming Abortion is against your religion, Wouldn't s*x before Marriage? I don't promote abortion though, in the end, it comes down to your decision. Talk to your mother or father, Or a adult you trust about it.

  9. First off, it's not my job to judge, as I am not God.  But here is my opinions: I'm definitely not a supporter of abortion so I am going to say no to that question.  You made a choice to have s*x and since you did, pregnancy is the result of that action.  Did you use protection?  Also, it is unfair to keep this from your current boyfriend.  It is only right to tell him what is going on because there is risk of infection, especially if you are having s*x with multiple partners.  You will have to grow-up a lot sooner than anticipated because you will need to take care of the child you have created.  It may also be a good idea to talk to your parents instead of looking to yahoo answers for help.  Good luck to you.

  10. troll!

  11. u got to tell ur mom she can help u

  12. You have options but the choice is up to you. You can't hide a pregnancy and you can't keep the dad from knowing that he has a child out there. That's not fair to him. If you know for a fact that you are pregnant then I would talk to your parents about this 1st. They will know what is best for you whether it would be to have an abortion, which would be morally wrong, or to give the baby up for adoption, or to keep the baby. All and all your parents will be the ones responsible for this child just so you can finish school. I hope that you choose to do the right thing because its not a game to be messing around with someones life!

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