
Im 13 and wants to sell something?

by  |  earlier

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i want to sell some stuff but i usually just invent little toys and sell them to family. i had a little toy called "drumz" but i could nt afford all the supplies to make them. i need something cheaper to sell so ican get started but what?




  1. You need to get some capital to help form your "company". You can sell off some of your old toys that you never play with, or just try to get a family member to help you start your business. If nothing else, try to get a neighbor to hire you to do some babysitting, lawnmowing, or other chores for money. Back when I was a kid, I was making $25 every other week mowing my uncle's lawn.

    After securing some capital, you can have a family member help you sell on a website, such as, or you can have one help you set up your own website to sell through. I know you can get a YahooDomains website for about $12 per month. You can get more basic ones for a lot less. You could also try selling through myspace.

    With online selling it is also a good idea to get a PO Box to collect money orders through as it is safer than letting someone know where you live. You will have to have a family member set one up for you. I got one, and it only cost $3 a month.

    Remember, whatever you sell your toys for, it has to cover:

    *Costs of Materials needed to make

    *Costs of Supplies needed to make (ie, glue, paint)

    *Costs of Selling the item (website, etc)

    *Profit Margin.

  2. Make some homemade cookies and lemonade~to sell

  3. um try ebay..

  4. You could sell lemonade.

  5. i'll answer anyting for 2 points. . .

  6. find things in your house you dont need anymore, make them look brand new and sell them on kijiji (on this site you dont need an account to sell something)

  7. something that u dont want anymore

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