
Im 13 in a boys boarding school in England?

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im 13 i live in England and go to a boys boarding school where nuns are the teachers. so today i decide to pull a prank i got fully naked and ran around the school spitting at the nuns then one of the nuns grabbed me by the ear brought me back to my room then she sat on the bed put me over her lap naked she didnt even let me put my clothes on. then when she put me over her knee she started spanking me on my bare but til i cryed then she made me sit in the corner for 15 minutes and if i touched my butt she put me over her knee again she repeated it 3 times cause i kept toucking my butt. my butt was black and blue then she put me on my bed lying on my back still naked and asked me to raise my legs then she fgot a stick a nd whacked my feet and the crease of my leg 20 times. then she left and made me say sorry. i mean its not illegal from where i am from they beleive in copral punishment. but did i deserve that much




  1. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!! ok sorry it just sounded so ridiculous for a nun!! Maybe you should talk to the Dean or someone in charge of your school and tell them what happened. I don't think that is legal anymore.

  2. intresting very intresting go for the law suit dude !

  3. Changed your name, eh? Bobby?

    Got rid of the Kilt, eh?

    Moved from civilized Scotland to England, eh? {I thought you were in the US[of A]?}

    Not illegal??  I thought you said you are in England, in the United Kingdom, in the European Union?

    When are you going to attend some school which teaches correct spelling & typing?  Like, what is "copral"??

    When are you going to attend some school where you learn to tell the truth all the time ... or at least occasionally?


  4. LIAR

    CP has been banned in the UK since 1973.

  5. Yes you did! Spitting on a nun is like spitting on God, what the heck were you thinking?!

  6. LMFAO! Okay sorry I had to say that.  But I don't think you needed that much I mean is she a s*x molester or something??

  7. Prank gone bad!  She was over the top, but I bet you will remember about this for the rest of your life.  Hopefully she won't spill the beans to the othe nuns and they come after you too.  Yes, corporal punishment is not right, but I think you had taken this nun to the end of her rope.  Keep your pants on from now on!

  8. What a ***** that nun is nuns are bitchy old ladies.

  9. good thing she took care of it and not the Priest! your butt would be sore in a whole different way!!!! be thankful that it's over and she didn't get him involved. don't go running around naked at a catholic boarding school..that's just asking for trouble!!

  10. it doesnt matter if it is not illegal, no one not even your parents would be allowed to do that according to law. you should tell the headmaster, or someone with authority. you are just a child who did a prank that is it. you should tell your family or something do something

  11. There is a problem .. Spanking of any kind is now illegal in all boarding schools religious or not within the united kingdom.

    Spanking is in fact illegal in all schools in the United kingdom.

    If this is legitimate then the nun broke the law in more than one way and should be reported to the police.

    But this is obvioulsy Bull.

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