i get 17 magazine and they recommend soooo many beauty products. im 13 and i wanna know which ones i should get at my age.
here are the products i already own:
for my face i have:
clean and clear spot treatment
clearisil 3 day face wash
apricot invigorating scrub
neutrogena daily acne face wash
clean and clear Soft daytime moisturizer
c&c soft shower facial
estee lauder foundation
neutrogena skin clearing foundation (i use it as a concealer with a q-tip)
mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow
lipsmackers, AGlipgloss
catwalk curls rock shampoo/conditioner
herbal essences frizz conditioner (DOESNT WORK) if my hair is reallyyy tangled i can use more of it cuz its cheap
herbal essences totally twisted mouse (dont rly use that)
herbal essences frizz leavein conditioner
tressemme shine spray
matrix sleek look heat spray
infusum leavein conditioner step 3
sun-in :]
i think thats it the reason i told u all the things i have was, do i have enough for my age and what other products should i get? also if u are my age what products work and what dont?