
Im 13 years old and i weigh too much! ?

by  |  earlier

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ill be 13 in october i weight about 116..

i know i need to lose weight !

i want to lose 15-20lbs.

&& before summer 09'

( cause im gonna be at the beach all summer with my friendd)

i tried dieting.

but i cant seem to stick to it.

i get cravings for sweets.

im in school monday-friday until 3:30.

and my mom only goes to the gym monday - friday in the morning.

and im too young to go by myself..

i do dance on monday tuesday thursday and friday.

tap jazz hip hop and ballet.

but thats only an hour each.


what can i do??

or what can i do to help me stay on a diet!

please and thank you!

ohh and any diet plans?

like what should i eat for breeakfast lunch and dinnerr




  1. you are alreadythin.

  2. youre too young to diet..youre only shouldnt worry about your weight since you will put on weight due to puberty...if you REALLY want to lose weight, instead of eating candy, drink chocolate milk when you have cravings..its sweet and its healthier than candy...and eat a lot of salads...jogging for 20 minutes a day will help you loose weight very fast

  3. How tall are you?

  4. dancing is great .... you just need to eat some healthier food

    eat more fruits and veggies ... and drink more water (its great for your skin too) ..

    listen the only thing that can get you motivated all the time is only (YOU) yourself ... have the will to do it .. and you will succeed

    visit this blog

    you'll find helpful tips and information about food and some exercises

    good luck

  5. To be honest with you you're not prefectly slender. When I was 4'11 I was just hitting 70lbs. And right now i'm 5'3 and only 90 pounds (I am really skinny).

    You are probably are at a normal weight for you're age but maybe you probably have some baby fat on you. But First of all feel lucky that you aren't a total blimp. I've seen people your height pushing 130.

    But you might want to drop a few pounds if you want to look nice and toned for summer 09. (believe me you have alot of time.)

    First, keep going to the gym, it's good for losing fat and gaining muscles. : )

    As for meals. always try to eat breakfast everyday. It is the most important meal.

    Here is a good meal plan for you.


    Toasted whole wheat bread with a thin layer of jam,

    a small glass of orange juice,

    an egg, (cooked the way you want)

    and fruit on the side.

      (in between meals freshen up with a small snack like a granola bar and a glass of water.


    A salad with lite dressing,

    or a sandwhich with ham, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes.

    a glass of water and/or a lowfat smoothie providing you have a blender,

    a nice helping of both fruits and veggies.

    for dessert, instead of ice cream have some frozen yogurt. Its just as good only less fat.

    (be consistantly drinking water between meals)


    White meat w/o the skin,

    half a baked potatoe,

    a glass of milk,

    some rice,

    and a helping of veggies.

    I hope this helps : )

  6. avoid bakery food specially chicken

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