
Im 13 yrs. old I want to write a script for a play or possibly a movie?

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Hi my name Maryssa H and I'm 13. I have this idea about writing a script about teenage black girls. [not to be prejudice] but I have observed that there aren't really any movies about black teenage girls. I mean the movies they make relate more for the white group. I have a girls group and I asked them if like they can relate to "mean girls" or "thirteen" and most of them said the only thing they can relate to is they like to go shopping. But they can't really relate to the white girls problems. Please don't get me wrong but I just feel that I need to make something that black young girls can relate to. Well, im gonna need some help with writing the script. Im a very good writer, but I have no idea how to write a script. I need soome help! Anyone have any ideas.




  1. GO FOR IT! YOUR MIND COULD MAKE MILLIONS! btw your not rude your spreading your mind so gogogogogo!

  2. y r u telling us that...get out there and write the script!!!!!

  3. Go for it!

    The best way to write a script (rather than a story) is to see the story as a series of scenes between people -- what are they doing, what are they saying, how does what they're doing lead to the next scene?  Try to get all of what's going on into the scenes (instead of talking about what just happened).  Even though you can't relate to movies about white girls you can use them as an example of how to keep the action in what you see.

    So think of a story that you think you and your friends can relate to, and maybe just write the story down as a story first.  Then take the story and turn it into a string of scenes where the story happens.

    And good luck!  Enjoy yourself!

  4. To the guy who put down girls: You'll never be able to do anything because you have the dense mind of a medaposul, stupid male.

    Your to young, write it for an english assignment, and if you still have the idea while your in film school, go for it!

    But No one in Hollywood will look at you if your 13, unless your an actress and not writing a script

  5. i say do it and dont let ppl tell u that you cant or that your too do what you wanna do and i say go for it!!!!!!

  6. You are too young, there is no way you could write an entire screenplay. Plus, you're female, so there's another strike. Maybe you could write a cookbook.

    [ EDIT:

    Dear People who gave me thumbs down,

    The above answer is clearly a joke - below I gave two links that are more helpful than any of the "GO for it OMG!!" answers. Laugh once in a while, it enriches your life. ]

  7. a script is easier than a story, in ways. all a script is is telling actors and actresses what to do, what to say, where they will be (setting) and how they fell (facial and physical expression).  

  8. Never a good idea to write a script you don't have personal experience with...

    Though I have to say that your perspective on the underrepresentation of black teenage women is interesting.  Very good point.  

    However, if you're trying to become a screenwriter it's best to stick to what you know.

  9. god love ya :) I dont mean that in a religious way or anything..but good on you for having a goal. All I can suggest is live a little :) a writer can only write from experience :) learn a little :) read a few books, read a few scripts, talk to alot of girls in that age group.

  10. get a life; make a myspace, go on aol/aim.

    go outside and play with your friends.....

    nobody writes scripts at 13....

    if you really want to do it, then just do it, don't tell us.

    use your god d**n imagination, if you have the balls

    to write a script...



  11. Play and screen writing are the most difficult of all creative writing. Get a mentor, and read a book on  playwriting and  on screen writing. And to correct the other answerers who got it wrong, a play or film is much harder to write than a story And you have to be able to tell a story first.

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