
Im 14, i was raped and it resulted in me getting pregnant?

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I love my baby very much, is it weird that I'm not angry about the whole situation? it was 8 months ago.




  1. Nope thats not weird bc no matter how bad the situation was now you have a very beautiful baby girl (I must say she is a doll) and she is a part of you and that is all that matters!! What doesnt break you makes you stronger!!!

  2. nope everything happens for a reason even thought i feel bad a bout the way it happend... but when u think about if it didnt happen... you lil girl would of never been born... and she would of never knew what it felt like to have someone who loves he more then she could even love herself.. congradz on ur lil girl she a cutie l.o.l... teacher her well

  3. sometimes blessings shine through tragedy. and, if you are at peace with it in your life, then that is where you need to take it. sometimes we have to forgive others, even though we will never forget--make sense?

  4.    Everyone handles situations in life differently. You must be a very strong person that I have to admire. Most people would have had an abortion and tried to never think of it again. Instead you faced what happened and realized even though that little life may have resulted from a sad and tragic event in your life it's not her fault and you gave her the chance to live and the love that she deserves. Because of that strength and kindness God gave you a little angel.  *hugs*.  

  5. wow!! You are truely amazing! My dear - you have managed to raise above  when everything was against you. Having a baby at 14, let alone as a result of a rape is a HUGE challenge! You didn't abort which was astoundingly brave!!! You are amazing! And i only ask for you to keep telling this story to other woman in the same situation... you are an inspiration! Well done. Give her a little kiss for me! x*x

  6. I think your amazingly strong and considering your only 14 i think that's terrific you can think the way you do!

    I hope the guy that did this to you is being punished, or at least getting what you want him to get!

    Ciao x*x

  7. It's one of those weird reactions. Although we may feel so much anger towards the rapist the miracle of a child takes that anger away, for the most part at least. Be gentle with yourself and continue on your healing journey, one of the most important things in raising the child (if you are keeping it) will be being in a mental state that you can raise them. Being raped is traumatic and takes such a mental toll, please look after yourself so that you can then in turn look after your child.

    If you need any help/advice don't hesitate to message me.

  8. Aw, your baby is adorable. :]

    I think you're a very strong person and I commend you on your strength. You'll have no problem raising that baby - you seem to know more than most people do when they are grown adults because there aren't alot of people who know how to deal with anger and move past it.

    I don't think it's "weird" - I think when tramuatic things happen you go through stages and sometimes you stay in the angry stage for a long time but you've just moved on to a resolved state, maybe even a feeling of peace?

    You'll live lhappier without the stress of being angry at something you can't change so it's for the better that you aren't angry. Of course you'll never forget, but atleast you have the freedom to live and love, you know? Just continue to live your life and raise your beautiful baby and I wish you both the best in life.  

  9. im glad for you :)

  10. babys are a blessing and so precious, your baby knows nothing of how it came into the world and has nothing but love for you - so its great that you have no anger.

  11. There is nothing wrong with loving any baby, but just in case you should join a group for people in your situation so that you can stay grounded!

  12. I am very happy for you and your baby :)

    The guy that did it should still go to jail, though.  Depending on who you are, a crime like that can ruin your life, and he obviously didn't care whether it would or not.

    I kinda wish that your next 10 years could have been spent getting an education and meeting people and traveling and developing your career.  I hope you get a chance to do at least do some of those things, and maybe even all of them, if you want them enough and you have people in your life that can support you.


  13. no not weird at all

    something precious came out of that tragedy

    im sorry that it happened the way it did, but congrats on the baby! :)


  14. I agree with summer 100%. May God bless you and your baby.

  15. I think the fact you are asking people to comment on your situation means that you are a little unsure.

    You are 14 years old and you have been  through  the terrible trauma of rape and survived.

    Having a baby resulting from the rape has probably helped you to move on and I don't doubt that you love her but be careful as you may have surpressed feelings that could come out one day and you might feel very angry.

    You and your baby deserve all the love and support that you can get and don't feel guilty are not at fault.

    When the time comes to tell her about her father..then you will decide what to tell her and how much she needs to know.

    Protect this little girl and stay strong and if you ever feel weird or that something is not right then seek are young and inexperienced and you don't have to do it alone and there are probably other girls out there in your situation who feel the same way.

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