
Im 14...NOT PREGNANT i was just thinking of baby names....?

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Okay i have always liked the name Layla Elizabeth...what do yall think?




  1. That's a nice name.

  2. You shouldn't be concerned about baby names this early.

  3. that is ok but i like the name Madelyn or even Lilly

  4. y r u looking 4 bby names??? weird..........

  5. It's nice.

    You shouldnt be thinking of baby names it might make you want to turn into one of the Pregnancy Pact Juno Freaks

  6. Cute!

  7. shes pregnant

  8. sally







  10. Layla is cute, but I think Elizabeth is a little boring.  

  11. Leggo My Preggo

  12. That is so odd my niece was going to name her baby girl (she had twins, boy & girl) Layla Faith, but instead decided to name her Faith Elizabeth.  We are from Louisiana.  Kind of odd I though, the coincidence I mean.


  13. I love the name elizabeth, but layla...sounds like a star wars name, but kayla is pretty. My favorite name is Isabella Sophia.  

  14. eh its ok

    your from texas

  15. well is ok but why h**l u thinking off babies names at ur age, u should be worrying about spots ect not this kind off thing, but hey ur choice lol

  16. u must have nothing to do to think bout names

  17. Layla is arabic for "Night Beauty"

    For a Boy i like Alexander

    And For a Girl i like Lily

  18. well hopefully you really arent pregnant..but either way..its a nice name i like it..but its suspicious that you only mentioned a girls name..lemme ARE actually pregnant and you got the ultrasound..and found out it was a girl? *sigh*

  19. Layla is very pretty...Elizabeth is too common.

    Layla Bliss

    Layla Lise

    Layla Annette

    Layla Celeste

    Layla Selene

    Layla Sophia

    Layla Amelie

    Layla Vivianne

  20. You are too young to be concerning yourself with this? And why are you acting so defensive? hmmmmm?

  21. Layla Elizabeth is pretty!  I don't like Bryce though.  

  22. I dunno what's up with those people saying "oh why are you so concerned about baby names?" sheesh...and I LOVE that name!!

  23. You aren't alone, I've been thinking of babynames since I was a child, didn't have my first until i was in my 20's. :)

    I'm not sure how I feel about Layla.. too many L sounds or something. I do like Elizabeth. :)

  24. Don't like Layla and Elizabeth is too common.

  25. its a lovely long as elizabeth is a middle name rather than a really long first name...

    just remember it has to go with the surname! even though you have less than two years before you can do all that above board!

    have fun!  

  26. go on and type baby names.

  27. Layla sounds like a name that will get picked on by the time she gets into middle school and/or high school. I can see it now: LAY-la likes to get laid, she's an easy lay, she's willing to lay all the guys... sounds a bit S****y. Just being honest. It would be a nice name except for the fact that kids will make fun of it.

  28. Very pretty name.  

  29. You must be realy bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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