
Im 14 and cant sleep.

by Guest392  |  earlier

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I have been having trouble sleeping. I cant figure out why. I have tried everything ive seen on the internet like drinking warm milk, doing things like making my room dark and quiet, watching tv till i get tired (I watched tv 5 hours tonight). I'm not going to try and say i have insomnia because its just bullshit. The only things i could think of are that i just moved into a new house and never had problems sleeping before i moved here. I used to live in noisy neighborhood and used to sleep just fine. My mom also has a boyfriend who gets in fights with her all the time and i hate his kids and I'm stressed out about it.




  1. maybe you are too stressed too sleep. try before you go to sleep writting down all of your concerns and then writting all the good things in your life to pu t your mind at ease

  2. im 14 and i cant sleep i tryed everythin and cause i cant sleep its ruining my life i tryed reading but when i do read i have to finish the book and once i was lying still eyes closed for like an hour seriously need help D:
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