
Im 14 and have just started ballet how long will it take before i can go on pointe??

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im picking it up realy fast too ... :) thanks x




  1. Only your dance instructor will know the right time for you to go on pointe. In the mean time, do ankle rolls and work on your rela-vays and plee-ays.

    good luck and hope this helps!!!

  2. it doesn't matter how fast you are picking up the dance, the strength of your ankles determines it.  I have been dancing for 8 years and have just started pointe work.  You need to have the approval of your teacher beofre you try any pointe work.

  3. about 2 more years... it depends on how hard you work in your ballet classes... work hard and good luck!!

  4. I'm around your age and have been dancing for about 8 years now.  I am hoping to go on pointe after my next exam (in about 1 year).  It really depends on your natural ability, how quickly you pick up the steps and which syllabus you are learning from.

  5. I have been dancing eleven going on twelve years, and I'm around ur age myself. I haven't gotten into pointe yet, just because I haven't wanted to pursue it, but I can tell you that you should practice and build up you're technique before you even think about pointe. I would say wait four to five years before being evaluated for pointe, this way you're feet get strong enough for the shoe, and you have all the training you need. Don't rush, because you don't want to hurt yourself by going into it too fast.

  6. Probally two years.  I was in tap and to advance to the more mature heel I had to wait and got it later because the girls in my class were two years younger than me.

  7. It would depend on your teacher and how far you have progressed, as well as whether you have had your growth spurt and the amount of training you do.

    But here are some of the usual requirements you need to meet before being able to go en pointe:

    - Students must be able to hold turnout while dancing, which is a sign of good strength.

    - Students must have a strong straight back while dancing; especially the lower back. This is essential for balance and turns.

    - Students must be able to keep the heels forward, as the most stable position en pointe is when weight is carried over the big toe

    - Students must use plié when dancing, as this is how the dancer gets en pointe

    - Students must point their feet while dancing, as this builds the necessary muscles to dance en pointe

    - Students must be able to pique passé on a straight leg, as this will be even more difficult once en pointe

    - Students must be able to do 16 relevés at centre without stopping, as this proves strength in the calf muscles

    - Students must be able to hold the passé position on half pointe, as this position is more difficult to correct on full pointe

    - Students must be in good health and of a normal weight

    - Students must be attentive and prepared in class

    - Students must have enough of an arched instep to balance en pointe

  8. your ankles need to be strong veery strong. Dont start out doing pointe in the mmiddle of the floor do it at the bar. You need to know how to squeezzzzzzzzze everything . Probabley about a year

  9. well, it depends. you have to master all ballet steps and maintain your balance quite well. i think you will first have to learn all steps in ballet and be good at them. also if someone said do an arebesque you can do it normally right? but can you do it on pointe? you need to know how to do things well normally before you can go on pointe and do them. good luck and hope this helps!

  10. if youre picking it up fast then hopefully you can be able to go on it in a year or 2 but it depends on how strong you are and if your technique is good...ask your dance instructor on ways that you can improve on your own so that you can move up a level. i wish you the best :]]

  11. well if you are picking it up really fast, and your ankles are stong enough, anlong with your legs, then i would say in about 3 monthes, or 4. it really depends on what the teacher thinks. And one thing you can do to strenthin your ankles is to just releve maybe like 30 times a day, and in no time i think your teacher will see that you can go on pointe.

  12. i started dancing when i was 2 and got on pointe when i was about 11. there are a lot of requirements and depending on your teacher you will have a pointe shoe fitting and you may have to test for it.

  13. if your picking up fast it will still mabey take u a year or so im not positive it matters how good u are

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