
Im 14 and hes 17 my mom hates him. help from other MOTHERS!! please?

by  |  earlier

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I am 14 and my boyfriend is 17, my mom dont like him. So whenever i want to see him i lie to my mom ...?

and say i am going to one of my girlfriends house. I really dont want to have to keep lying to her but i really love my boyfriend and i would risk my freedom for him. I know that you all are thinking that he only want s*x he dont. the topic has never come up. he says that he will never try to make me do something i dont want to. He call jus to say he loves me. he sends me e-mails that are as long as a book. he dedicates sweet songs to me.he is # 3 out of his class of 400. he encourages me to believe that i can do anything if i put my mind to it.My mom really hates him she think he g*y. but he is not. His mom and dad and brothers like me and love when i am around them. What should i do about my mom??? I really love him. he is one in a million. help from mothers out there. please.




  1. Your mother "hates" him?  Obviously not because in the next sentence you say your mother "don't like him".  It would appear you are being a bit dramatic.  Are you sure your mother isn't just protecting you for doing something very stupid?  Drama does not indicate your brain is sufficiently mature to judge these things.  If this guy is as great and respectful toward you as you say, relax.  He'll be there when you are no longer jail bait.

  2. Honestly, I side with your Mom.  Those three years are a big deal just now.  When you are 17 and he is 20, things will be much better.

    Please don't lie to her.  It will hurt you more than her.

    Ask her if it would work if you two had a "house date".  That is, stay home - she will also- and watch TV, play music, games, whatever.

  3. I'd be a HUGE hypocrite if I told you not to lie because guess what, I DID THE SAME THING. It wasn't so much as my mom not liking whoever I dated, she just didn't like me dating . Its like her main goal was for me not to get pregnant at an early age like she did . But I have those parents that see things... they'll have dreams about me doing something bad and it was funny cuz there was times where their dreams were correct, and they always had gut feelings so I always got caught. I got caught with a boy in the house and that was it for my trust . So as a soon to be mom and a more mature person than I was back then, I'd say sit down and talk to her. Let her know u don't wanna be like other kids and sneak around ( do not tell her you've been sneaking around because then that'll be your a$$) Try to compromise with her, come to an agreement. Have her, you and your bf go out somewhere so she can see he's not at all how she thinks he is . Whatever you do, do NOT keep sneakin around cuz trust me honey you will get caught then you won't even be able to go ANYWHERE . LOL!

    Good Luck !

  4. i think your mother is not letting you grow up . she still treats you like a little girl . either you are an out of control child or she just wont let you grow up . however do talk to her  it will do you some good.

  5. Why does your mother hate him? Do you think her reasons are somehwat real?

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