
Im 14 and just got circumsized and the back of my p***s doesn't look normal at all please help?its weird

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the back part of my p***s is very big and different to what i see in other pictures of circumsized p***s's will this change?its swollen and really ..just not normal




  1. Don't leave this to us.  Contact your doctor.  Don't take any chances with your junk.

  2. if indeed you 'just' got circumcised, then there can be some swelling, so things may not look like the finished product.  You may also have some infection going on, so keep an eye on it.  But, it's not unusual to get some edema in that area after circumcision, so I'd wait another day or two.  It might just start to look a little more normal.

  3. You can expect a lot of swelling if you just got circumcised. When exactly did you get this done? If you got circumcised because of a tight f******n, then the surgeon may have had some difficulty separating the f******n from the glans, leading to swelling. Another factor is the type of circumsion that was done. If any sort of clamping device was used, this increases the amount of swelling and bruising. Furthermore, you did not mention anything about redness, discharge from the incision and so forth. If there is no dressing then perhaps you should keep some antibiotic ointment on it at all times, cleanse it with plain water after passing urine and reapply your ointment and dressing. Lying down most of the time helps reduce the swelling. A quick soak in warm water with a little baking soda aded is soothing.

    If you have been given no instructions about how to care for your circumcision, then you shoudl certainly see a doctor because you are uncomfortable and anxious.The other thing I have found from personal experience is that compression really helps prevent pain. Wearing an old jockstrap keeps your p***s from swinging back and forth when you move about as does compression shorts that people wear for sports activity.

    I was circumcised as an adult and knew a lot about caring for the area because I was a second year medical student. This was great because I was given absolutely no instructions about care(which I think was dreadful all these many years later). I had no problems making circumcision necessary....I just wanted it done very much and have never regretted it in the slightest. Healing went very well and quickly, but you need to see the doctor if you are concerned.

    My stitches were the self-dissolving kind and were mostly all gone in5 to 7 days.

    I appreciate that this is scary for you so please try what I have suggested. Don't use ice, try some Ibuprofen/

    advil/Motrin for pain and swelling and elevate and compress your sore "willy".I hope that everything goes really well and I believe that once healing has completed, you will enjoy your new look (and "feel")

    Please let us know if you are okay.

  4. omfg 14 and u just got circumcised??? damnnn brave...u asked ur parents or something?

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