
Im 14 and my bf has leukimia what do i do?

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im obiviosly still gonna be his gf but things are different now.




  1. continue being his best friend and having more fun to keep his mind off it

  2. Be there.  Don't let him feel 'forgotten'.  Childhood cancer can be very isolating because he might have to spend days/weeks in the hospital and miss lots of school due to treatment.  On top of this, some friends he had may not know what to do and may be scared so they may stop coming around.  So be there and be the same person you have always been.  He will still have the same sense of humor and interests as before.  Let him talk about whatever it is he wants - he may wish to talk to you as a friend about concerns and fears he may feel uncomfortable talking to his parents about.  Listen and encourage.  Do not come around if you are sick because he will be susceptible to infection while on chemotherapy due to low white blood counts.  

    By the way, you seem like a good friend.  This is a very heavy thing to deal with, especially at your age and you may need support also.  It is a scary thing for everyone to deal with and you want to be there for him, way to go!  And you not knowing what to do is very very normal.

    Here is a link for you titled, "Friends Speak Out.  What do I do when my friend has cancer?":

    I hope you find this helpful.  

    Also, here are some links for your friend who was diagnosed with cancer:

  3. be there, be there, be there...keep him caught up on what's going on at school, help him with homework (NO not do it for him.) Don't make his illness the focus of all of your time together, still go out and do things that you used to do as long as he is feeling up to it.  Don't let it change anything about your relationship.  Just continue on the way you were doing, and be supportive, don't fight over petty stuff, etc.

  4. "There exist companions disposed to break one another to pieces, but there exists a friend sticking closer than a brother." --Proverbs 18:24

    You can be a true friend, &, you can share with him about...

    "...“Look! The tent of God is with mankind...  

    And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and neither will death , nor mourning, nor outcry, nor pain be anymore. The causes of such things [will] have passed away." --Revelation 21:3,4

    When Sickness Will Be No More! :

    - The World Wants Good Health!

    - Will Science Cure the World?

    - When Sickness Is No More!

  5. be there for him, learn  and inform yourself about his condition so you may be able to relate to him better and understand what hes going though.. but mainly be supportive. he needs a friend at this time.  

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