
Im 14 and started my period 2day.?

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i told my mum and she got me pads but i don't know if i put it on right or what, i also dont know when im gunna get my next 1 + it took me like 3 hrs 2 tell my mum so i dont wanna ask her!?




  1. I am 14 and started mine in March, and when I told my Mum... she said congratulations!! She was really happy for me because I had been expecting it to happen for so long. I am not at all open with my Mum about things like this. I had to text her to tell her that I was getting heavier disacharge than normal and could I wear some pantliners (this was a week before my periods started). Mine happened at school, and I was looking forward to telling my Mum because I knew she would be happy for me. I had convinced myself there was something wrong with me.
    When you have your next one... I wore a pantliner a few days before I as due to start the second month, if it was going to happen at the same time. Turned out to be 11 days late, but just notice the symptoms you get each month... Change in discharge, spots, mood swings... Look for patterns and you should be able to predict. I can tell mine is a couple of weeks away cos I get really spotty! Go on    It really helps!

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