
Im 14 and suffer from acne any advice welcome.?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i'm not sure how i would rate my acne on a scale of serverness, i have alot of blemishes that will not budge and havent budged for a very very long time. They're on my cheeks - under my cheek bones, i also get them around my brows and sides of my chin. I desperatly want to sort it out b4 school because i would love clear skin (would'nt anyone). Ok heres the problem; i have just spent an obscene amount of money on a dermalogica acne prone c**p kit that did nothing to help my skin what so ever, so mum won't let me make another purchase unless it is very cheap. I know this sounds harsh but when i spent £30 on a kit and 2 weeks later i want to buy something else - well i can see why.

I was wondering if there was any things i could try at home - like home remedies that worked for u . Please if u leave a suggestion will you tell me how bad ur acne is / was. Thankyou.




  1. .. i have tired me nothing really works as well as you want it to. Just go to the doctor and get the antibiotics for it.

  2. Wash your face with hot water, keep washing for 10 minutes and it your spots will go.. do this daily

  3. Keep your face clean and keep your hands away from it.  Take a good multi-vitamin.  Drink lots of water.  Again, keep your hands away from your face.  Clean your face during the day with unscented baby wipes.  Vitamins, water, rest, good diet and hands away.  In a month you will be a new person with a new face.

  4. you can go to holland and barrats and they sell these tablets for spots they are about 2-3 pound. i bought some the other day with my friend coz she has really bad acne about a wee they were almost all gone. i dont no what they are called just they are in a orange packet :) hope it helps x ino its not much of a home recipe x

  5. hey  i dont have reli bad acne on my face jus on my back but jus went see a dermatolgist i had to ask my gp refer me and they jus gave me cream and antibitoics prescirption and discharged me   antibiotics will get rid of them for a while  but they usuallly come back did with sister went on the pill and that got rid of all hers especially if ur spots are hormonal related which most young ppls are  and her skin is reli clear now even tho she isnt on the pill anymore  so id see wat ur doctor say   cos there use to ppl going in about this sort of thing   some vitmains mite help to like the b vitamins and zinc is good

  6. My brother is 18 and suffers with acne,He was advised to clean his face with TCP at least once a day.His face has cleared up and he ain't half bad looking

  7. At 14 years all prescription drugs will free to you, why on earth did you waste your money on such rubbish?

    Go see your GP who is likely to prescribe oral antibiotics with a cleanser or possibly topical antibiotics. The success rate of both of these types of preparations is excellent!

  8. The best tip I ever got was to use lemons. Dab it on with a cotton tip. Open the pores first with steam (hot bath will work). Use a clay or honey mask once a week.

  9. Hey there i understand completely about your situation. when i vvas young at only the age 10 i had severe acne and it got worse as i got older i vvas told to use tcp or oxy gel or freederm ! I choose freederm and it only costs 10 in many healthcare shops! It vvorked a treat for my face and now at almost 18 i have a clear face . hope this is helpful for you and goodluck !x x x  x x

  10. I recommend using a tea tree soap bar twice a day. Then after apply Tea Tree Oil. It is natural and the oil is an antiseptic so it kills germs on your skin. It doesn’t dry out my face or clog pores. I have been using it for a few months and my skin is 100% different. Make sure you use it everyday. You will see results in a week. You can buy it at health stores and one brand I use is “Thursday Plantation”. It is about 15$. I highly recommend this practice. Good luck

  11. If it is really bad I would go see a dermatologist.  When I was young I was put on accutane as a last ditch effort to get rid of my acne.  It worked miracles.  It is a potentially dangerous drug so they take blood tests every month you are on it and make girls go on birth control because the medacine can cause birth defects.  The great thing is you are only on it for a few months and after that the acne never comes back.  I still got a random pimple here and there, but nothing like before.  It was really an amazing thing.

  12. A healthy diet and exercise, and enough sleep.  When showering, wash your face with plain soap and hot water.  It helps to keep the skin clean and clear.  A product that I found was very effective was by Lancome of Paris: "Pure Empreinte Masque"  (Purifying Mineral Mask with White Clay).  Apply to your face before you go to sleep.  Wash it off in the morning.  It is a deep cleanser and works way better than Clearasil etc.  It's not cheap, but a 100ml tube lasts a long time.

  13. Do you drink plenty of water and exercise? Sounds silly, but that can help keep your skin clear. Also, your diet can help

  14. 1 is right!!!

    go to a demtologist

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