
Im 14 i have a lump the same in each breast , ive had sore b*****s for days! and ive found lumps HELP!?

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my nana had breast cancer and so did her sister! and im fourteen and recentley my b*****s have become very very painful i can harldey touch them, that is when i noticed that i have lumps in both b*****s in simular places.. my period is due in about 1 or 2 weeks time i havnt told my mam yet as i feel imbarest! i know i need to go to the doctors but im just getting a few anwers on here first, the lump is hardish bt it doesnt move around much , i was thinking it could be tissue and there growing as they do look bigger latley but other than that i think its cancer! Help im worried sick!




  1. Don't be so worried, it is very unlikely for you to have breast cancer at your age.  It sounds like normal, hormone-related lumps that many girls and women get at certain times of the month.  You could also have "fibrocystic" tissue in your b*****s, google it, and read about it, it is not dangerous.  Definitely tell your mom about your concerns, she will help you, there is nothing embarrassing about it.

  2. If you are too embarassed then dont tell your mom but you NEED to see a doctor as soon as possible, it might be nothing but just get checked to be on the safe side.  You HAVE to get it checked.

  3. I've seen lots of adults worry about getting what they're parents, and grandparents got, I know I watch out for certain things my family had.

    Approaching menstrual cycles can cause swelling and tenderness.

    Here's an excellent web page that describes what various breast lumps feel like:

    From that page:

    What does it feel like?

    A malignant lump will have an irregular shape (not round) with a pebbly surface, somewhat like a golf ball. It will be very hard, like a slice of raw carrot. It may not be moveable during a BSE, but since tissue around it may move, it’s sometimes hard to know if the lump is moving, or if healthy tissue around it is moving. A clinical breast exam and a mammogram will help to clear up the diagnosis. A biopsy would provide the clearest information about the lump.

    When does it appear? Breast cancer may appear in women who are pubescent, in their fertile years, peri-menopausal, or postmenopausal.


    Maybe you could print that page, or show it to your mother, then put her fingers on the spot you're feeling the hardness at. Look away from her while doing this if you're too embarrassed.

    Good luck!

  4.   Tell your mother right now and see the doc as soon as you possibly can. It may save your life, don't mess about. Don't be embarrassed, the doc has seen it all before.

  5. At your age, it's so unlikely that you shouldn't even be thinking about it.

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