
Im 14 year old turning 15 i want a job?

by  |  earlier

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i want to buy xbox 360 would u recommend me some jobs for a 15 year old kid that could do? plizz help




  1. well since your not 16 or 18 (which ever) your kind of limited

    you could get a job at mcd's i think they hire at 14;but they dont pay could baby sit, work around the house, work at some local place(like a local newspaper place)I'm sure they hire. just look around and ask to

  2. I got a job as a waitress when I was 15. Depending on your state laws and if an employer will hire you at 15 they ussually want some kind of work permit. I would suggest googling it. I'm sure it would have to be something like fast food, maybe some retail stores. Things like that. I'm sure you could do a paper route and some of those, depending on how large the route is, pay $300-$800 a month. (give or take) They're are always paper route jobs in the newspaper. Good luck!

  3. WOW!!!

    me too.

    I dunno i've had loadsa trouble trying to get a job.

    People keep saying they'll 'ring me back' but they never do.

    =] x

  4. Mow Lawns, or shovel snow- pure cash no taxes taken out

  5. a what got that ps3 a what ? can't hear ya shout .... greedy i know you r i don't you turning 16 for one and besides you not 16 ,all games that kids want r 16 you too young too take up karate or to own a gun for games i know j**s do and they learn younger but amercain kids and mostly the uk are not respoanasble or sensable enough now go play with action man.  or turbo war dougnut man.

  6. for over the summer, you can work at a summer camp, or get certified to be a lifeguard

  7. at that age u can get an actual job go to guidance at school n get a permit they could probably suggest a few jos as well

  8. maybe try to tutor kids if you're good in school, or you could work part-time at a store with your parent's consent, i think! or, during the summer, there are usually programs for little kids that teens can work at. goodluck and hope i helped =]

  9. u can get a job at that age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????!!!!!

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