
Im 14 years old and i had s*x and i think im pregnant?

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hey my name is Catalina and i'm 14 years old. i went to my boyfriends house 2 weeks ago and i slept over my parents thought i was at a girls house.. but anyway i ended up havin s*x wit my man and his friend.. i kno its S****y but his friend was rllyyy s**y and my boyfriend didnt care as long as he got somee soo yeaa now my period is 3 days late. idk wat to do. im just rlly tired.. what should i do?? if i am pregnant i dont know whos baby it is i mean im sure its my boyfriends cuz he is the one who didnt use a condom.. im on the pill but i missed a day a week before i had s*x with them.. pleaseee dont judge me i was drinking that night and i really didnt kno any better.. i learned from that mistake.




  1. Hey Girl!  Well, here's the tecnical info ~ you are in a bit of a bind.

    Since your period is due in 3 days ~ you were pre-ovulation when you got busy, which is the best time to have s*x to be pregnant...HOWEVER, (i'm sure someone will disagree with this) but missing one pill is NOT the tragidy many make it out to be.  I was on the pill for 12 years, missed many, had regular s*x, and never got pregnant.  Much scoop floating around on the internet is not true...and "everyone" will tell you they know someone who it happened to, but usually it's not someone direct ~ catch my drift??

    Now ~ I'm gonna lay it out straight ~ the only thing for you to do is go get a pregnancy test and take it.  It is highly likely that you haven't gotten your period because you are worried about it ~ but it is the only way to know.

    It's good your on the pill ~ BUT ~ no one (including myself at 30) should have s*x with someone UNLESS they can see that man as the father of their child, AND if they are ready to be a mother, because pill or not, you are never 100% sure.  It blows, i know, but that's life.

    And, You are only 14 ~ your entire life is ahead of you!  Do you really want to have a baby with a dude who doesn't care if you have s*x with his friend as long as he gets some?  That's not caring about you ~ that's caring about him....get strong, girl, and you call the shots!  Boys are dumb! lol  You seem sweet - and everyone deserves a great life!

    Good luck ~ go get that test, you'll feel sooooooo much better!  

  2. ok, im not going to act like your mom or anything.. but first of all.. YOUR 14. You cant even drive a car, or have a license.. So if you are going to have s*x USE A CONDOM PERIOD. i dont use a condom, because im commited to my boyfriend and we both know the consequences and are old enough to handle them if it does happen. If your on the pill, and you take it the way you should, dont stress about. chances are your not pregnant.

    but a little more advice.. if you think this guy cares about you.. your wrong. Someone who loves another person, doesnt want to see there girlfriend having s*x with there friend and not caring. Your young and im sure your boyfriend is to.. 15 is about the age where all teenagers are only thinking about s*x.. dont become an object to a boy. You'll regret it in the long run.

  3. you need to go to a doctor or a clinic and get a pregnancy test. and an STD/STI test

    look on google for a clinic in the area you live.

    you also need to talk to your boyfriend.

    if you are pregnant, i would tell your parents or someone who will help you and give you advice.

    if you are not pregnant then you should go on the pill or get an injection that will stop you becoming pregnant.

    please be more carefull, for your own sake.

    I hope everything is ok x

  4. is your period normallyy late

    leave it a few days u might come on

    being worried can also prevent ur perird so relax

    if you dont have ur period within a few weeks

    buy a pregnancy test n find out

    if your are u need 2 decide wether 2 keep it or not

    theres no point givining the girl a lecture

    whats done is done

    if she is pregnant its her own fault n she nos that

    good luck

    n for ur sake i hope ur not pregnant  

  5. what the h**l were you thinking are u kidding me WHO I'm sorry but dude you got too see Doctor or something ok first of all your sick for doing it AND THEN YOUR BOYFRIEND SAYS ITS OK!!!!!!!!!! i would break up with that dufuss what the h**l jezzz what is the world coming too

  6. I don't belive that you are only 14 and you have had s*x with 2 lads. What made you do this ano you were drunk, why were you drinking at that age and got drunk? When you have s*x a condom doesn't always protect you. You need to do a pregnancy test and make a decision whether to keep it or not. Then if you keep it you can have a DNA test done. Where was your parents when you were doing it???

    Good luck.....

  7. o well i dont no what tah tell yah

  8. I don't think you were drunk.  If you were, then you were sober enough to notice his friend was "s**y".  I hope you aren't pregnant because you're too foolish to raise a human being.

  9. 1. You're 14 and you were drinking. That's illegal. Not only were you drinking, but you think that it somehow excuses your behavior.

    2. You had unprotected s*x with TWO boys (yes, boys. definitely not men).

    3. You lied to your parents.

    You aren't even sorry about any of these things. You only feel bad because now you think you're pregnant. Your actions have consequences, and if you're pregnant then you got exactly what you deserved.

    "i was drinking that night and i really didn't know better"

    That right there tells me that you didn't learn from your mistake.

    What should you do?

    Behave maturely from now on. No more drinking until you're 21. No more s*x until you're older, and even then no unprotected s*x. Concentrate on your school work. Go to college. Be successful.

    Tell your mother. You need to go to the doctor so that you can get tested for pregnancy along with STDs (If these boys were willing to have a threesome they probably aren't clean).

    If it turns out that you are pregnant then you need to look at your options. In my opinion the best option in your situation is adoption. You obviously can't take care of a baby (you can't even take care of yourself), and there are always loving families who are looking for a child.  

  10. Hey there how long have you been on the pill already?? if its more than 3months and you only skipped 1pill then don't stress too much just yet ;-). Sometimes skipping 1 active pill can make you feel funny and pro-long your pms, but still just get 2 home preg tests & different brands so that the reading you get you can cross check its really so simple and its not worth all the stress promise :-). Don't worry what the other writers say down there cause even if they didn't do the same thing you did we all have done really stupid things somewhere along the line so cheer up girl..

    If your pregnant then make sure to inform your bf first ;-) maybe you guys can figure something together its not that bad but I'm not saying its the best thing either lol but life is full of weird events like this one :-). Just pls try not to think of abortion cause that will haunt you forever trust me :-) no matter how long you were preg when you aborted it still eats your guts up for like always maybe it'll be ten times easier than you think :-) thinking of you girl

  11. Take a pregnancy test (or two)! (:

    And honestly, I know it's like super hard, but you might wanna tell someone.....!  

  12. Ok ok.. Chill out girrrllll :) EVERYONE STOP BEING NASTY SHE WAS ON THE FREAKIN DRINK WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?  ok girl just take some deep breaths..

    it'll be fine.. did both the boys wear condoms?

    if they did then your safe and your periods a little late..

    but if they didn't then you should get a pregnancy cheaker

    from your local chemist.. tell a friend, a big sister? ..

    i wouldn't tell your mother straight away i know what my friends

    mom was like. but after you've come up posotive or not preggers then if your posotive.. maybe write your mom a note to read whilst your a school but if you arn't then pretend nothing happend. :)

    please dont get an aborition though.. :( because its just like murdor.. :(

    keep ya head up, dont give up. hope i helped, good luck.

  13. how stupid are you? congrats you get to spend the funniest years of you life cleaning  up vomitt and p**p from your baby

    1. you shouldnt have had s*x, your way to young

    2. you are EXTREMELY Stupid, for having s*x your age, let alone unprotected.

  14. idiot  

  15. omg ure disgusting you should not hav been drinking in the first place u must be really poor if you cant afford a condom and ure gross get a test  and stop wasting your time on this website go to the doctors and tell your parents first take a pregnancy test and if ure pregnant thebn tell your parents plzz use condoms if you are pregnant i feel so bad for that baby ...

  16. alright heres the outcome. girls are gonna call u a s**t. boys are to cause the word will probably get out that u did it with both of them. when u have ur baby ur boyfriend will dump u and not give a shiit. plus if ur parents are nice enough thy will let u stay in ur house. go get an abortion and think before u drink next time. oh yea and if u decide to keep the baby, look at the brightside ur parents wont give u a nice beating, cuz they will probably hurt the baby. but if ur parents are reallly mean like mine u wont have to get an abortion and u wont have the baby cuz they will beat u so hard. good luck!

  17. HA!! I did the same thing, I don't consider you as a s**t it just happened,mine happened with two of my guy FRIENDS lol but I wont do it again it felt so wrong and I dealt with the same thing but not missing the period I got mine a couple days later but I'm still freaking out about,but If I were you either talk to your mom about it or one of your seriously close friends and if you don't want to talk to your mom about it then maybe your friends mom or grandmother can help if there super cool, I didn't tell my mom. I lost my virginity when I was 14-15 years old and now im turning 17 lol but yeah talk to some one about it,get a test and go to a doctor just to make sure because not all test are right. I didn't neither of those which I should have done but I'm okay I guess. But be careful drinking can get you in the worst positions I should know, thats why I need to stop drinking and smoking lol. but yea your boyfriend is a cool boyfriend if he let you have s*x with his hot best friend lol =]] but I hope I helped out don't freak out just get some help from as I said either your mother,father (i know weird but hey he could help...i wouldn't know lol) anyways very close friend.very close friends mother or =]] so I hope I helped out with your question  

  18. HAHAHAHA 2 boys at once wow nice girl!!

    hmmm you might be pregnant...why not buy first response? it's pretty accurate.

    or you could go to the doctors...but if you don't wanna tell your mom then first response would be better.

    good luck!!

  19. I hope you learned from your mistakes. You should go to the store and get a preggo test. It is a possibility that you are pregnant.

  20. First of all Shame on you and your parents for not checking up on you! Shame on you for thinking that your old enough to handle a situation such as that.  Did your mother not teach you to have better self respecting morals?  You had no business drinking, or spending the night with boys, and that is what they are, you referred to him as "your man", those are not men, and your boyfriend is a POS! for allowing you to be with his friend!  

    Unfortunatly it is not only you who will have to suffer if you are in fact pregnant.  An innocent child being brought into the world as a result of foolishness is the true victim.  Go get a test and pray that you got lucky...

    I wish more parents taught their children better.

  21. u beta hav learnt from ur mistake

    y lie to ur mother?

    y sleep with ur bf AND his frend?

    ur freaking 14!!!!!!!

    if ur preg sorry but thats ur shouldnt have been so desperate in the first place to do a daft thing!

    if ur lucky your parents might help you out and ur bf/his best frend mite stay by ur side.



    I hope you have learnt your lesson and you are going to have to deal with this the hard way. The guys are prob going to be so scared and act like they dont know you. And rumours are going to be spread about you on top of that.

    If you are lucky you might be okay but thats up to God. Get a test and stop sh*tting your pants sitting here online... GET OUT THERE AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. YOU CANNOT RAISE A KID AT UR AGE IF YOU DID SOMETHING A DUMB AS THIS

  22. I will not judge u. And what can i say ? I'll be 14 tomorrow , so if u was really drunk , u cannot took no for an answer, but u must make test or 2 ;D and for drinking u must stop drink so much cuz' someday u will be in a hostpital(u not even saw ur boyfriends candom , SO  u can put guilty on him :P) AND one more think it's not a mistake(yeah it's a mistake but) everyone in our age want to have s*x early... Take care of ur self ... And sry for my english :DDDD

  23. Well I hate to say it, but you have what's coming to you.  That kind of behavior is totally unacceptable.  Not only could you be pregnant, but you could end up with a sexually transmitted disease, Herpes, Aids, etc.  Keep it up and you will have lots of bad things in store for you.  In addition to unwanted pregnancies, abortions, and a very bad reputation.  if that's the kind of girl you want to be, than good luck.  I wouldn't want to be caught within one mile of you!

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