
Im 15, what does my dream mean?

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ok this is kind of please be nice..

im a 15 year old girl and had a very unpleasant dream last night..

it was about me paying a prostitute for s*x...

and she gave me like 5 options..

i forgott what all of them were but one had 2 deadish i think she gave me the option to have "it" with her on sharred glass from a broken window (meanig she will die-my perception while dreaming) and others..then there was another option with just a bed...and then i picked that...and then she went into my moms room with a blanket on her head and told me to get her when she was ready...then i went into my friends room and the window was open and it was breezy...i kept on stalling to get her. i dont know why...then i finally did and then we made out on a bed, then i woke up...

can anyone tell me what that so confused..and kind of terrified of this dream..some one help?




  1. Woah...

    Maybe you should go see a psychologist or counselor.

  2. did u watch a horror movie lately cuz thats wierd

  3. This isn't about s*x or prostitution.  Your conversation with the

    prostitute about the various options is really a conversation you're

    having with yourself, subconsciously, about how to find comfort and

    contentment in your life, and solve your problems.

    The two skeletons represent your parents dying or otherwise being

    removed from your life.  You didn't choose this option but that's one

    way you surmise that you might escape your problems.  It doesn't seem

    like the best way to you.

    The broken window represents denial.  If you choose to ignore your

    problems you can feel better.  But it doesn't work.  In your dream you

    imagine that the girl will die if she lies down on the broken glass.

    In real life, a part of you will "die inside" if you just try to push

    down your problems and not face them.

    The one with just a bed sounded like the best choice to you.  The bed

    represents rest, as well as time spent thinking and dreaming and

    making plans.  The problem is, you will be facing some pretty

    troubling things.  That's why the girl covers her head with the

    blanket and retreats to your mom's room.  The girl's signal that

    she'll be there when you're ready means that part of you is prepared

    to deal with your problems and try to make your life better.  It's an

    open invitation from your subconscious.

    You go to the friend's room because in some difficult situations you

    feel you might get more help from yourself or a friend rather than

    from your mom.  The open window and breeze suggest confidence.  You

    will be able to think things through and solve your problems.  You

    just need to give yourself a little more time to feel ready (that's

    the stalling part).

    The making out at the end is really you embracing yourself in a

    healthy way, accepting yourself completely, good and bad, and

    nurturing yourself.

    To sum up: this is a very healthy dream about growing up.

  4. Dreams are like the cleaning-up operations of computers when they are off-line, removing parasitic nodes and other "junk" from the mind during sleep.

    The Hall data analysis shows that sexual dreams occur no more than 10 percent of the time and are more prevalent in young to mid teens. Another study showed that 8% of men's and women's dreams have sexual content.

    Content-analysis studies have identified common reported themes in dreams. These include: situations relating to school, being chased, running slowly in place, sexual experiences, falling, arriving too late, a person now alive being dead, teeth falling out, flying, embarrassing moments, falling in love with random people, failing an examination, not being able to move, not being able to focus vision and car accidents. Twelve percent of people dream only in black and white

  5. Are you and a friend having some issues.  Maybe you need to work them out.  Don't have s*x until your are in love and ready.

  6. Dreams don't mean anything.  They are just your brains way of releasing the things you keep inside.  We all stuff down things.  Things we want to say but don't because we will get into trouble for saying them.  Things we want to do but can't do.  It's a safe way for your brain to release stress.

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