
Im 15,How come I have very little hair on my face/chest unlike my friends?

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Im 15,How come I have very little hair on my face/chest unlike my friends?




  1. You should look at your dad, grandfather, uncles. some men just don't have much hair. I have a friend who is in his mid 30' and still can't grow a beard and he has a very light mustache. Everyone is diffrent, my dad was very hairy, I am kind of hairy, and my grandfather had almost no hair on his chest.

  2. ur developing at a differnt stage. its all normal while u r developing, everyone devlops naturally at differnt stages, for all u no u could have little hair on ur face but one of ur friends hoo has alot of hair on their face could have no pubes yet...  

  3. Be grateful, so far

    Soon, very soon when Puberty's over you'll wish you didn't have to Shave!

  4. there are two possible reasons

    1 -- you went through puberty later so the hair has not developed yet


    2 -- you naturally don't have much hair. (if your dad doesn't have much body hair, then you know this is probably the reason)

  5. I had tons of chest hair at your age, but no facial hair. A decade later and I have patches of facial hair and about the same amount of chest hair. Everyone is slightly different on the whole, but individual features can vary from one extreme to the other. No worries, accept yourself fully and all will be well in your life.

  6. dude dont worry about it every one grows up at differnt rates

  7. im 16 and have about the same problem it doesnt bother me, i mean its coming in and i can tell my facial hair is now too, don't worry about it, it's not a big deal

  8. thats like me im 16 and dont have as much hair as my friends do your a late bloomer.

  9. I was just getting hair when I was 18. Everyone goes through puberty at a different rate and some even have less or no hair after puberty, depending on genetics. Some races have almost no body hair.

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