
Im 15 II was adopted once at 2 weeks by family friends and then again at 13 after being abused by my 1st set?

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of adopted so pissed off about being adopted I know Im posting alot here and I guess Im jsut trying to vent. It seems like my new adoptive parents adopted me so it will look good on them. People say things will change i have heard that since i was like 11 and it still hasnt. My dad has no time for me he is always at work he has told me not to call inless i am deathly ill or arrested. Last year I got molested in school by another student and he admited yet my adoptive parents stil did nothing and they say they did nothing cus they didnt think it would affect me. I only spent 2 hristmas with this family and they have both been bad the 1st one i was screamin how much i hated the family and my new cousin got in my face and my new dragged me outside which triggered my ptsd and threw me in a wall cus he didnt no what i would do he said my mom told me i ruined christmas. how the h**l do i make them understand they are bad parents? I just dont know what todo. I wish i was aborted




  1. ask to go to a boarding school, or arrange to move in with a friend when your 16, if i were you id get outta there faaaast

  2. Hi M~

    My heart breaks for you! I hear what you're saying and understand completely! I was also adopted by my foster parents (alcoholics), then abused physically & emotionally - mostly by my, who reluctantly agreed to my adoption.  Don't listen to fools who say that if you'll just behave, it'll all be fine.  What a load!  Seriously!  As the youngest of 4 kids, I was the LEAST trouble.  

    Sadly, people only want to hear the happy adoption stories. They don't want to know about the dark side of adoption that you are living (and I once lived).

    But please, please, please KNOW that better days are ahead!  Not ALL families are like the one you're living with. At 16 you may be able to legally become an "emancipated minor".  See the following link for more information:

    You CAN have a better life.  You CAN still have a happy life. It may be a bit of a struggle for a while.  Hang in there. E-mail me if you want to talk.  

    Also, check out this forum for contact with other adoptees who may have shared your (our) experience and can offer the support you need and deserve:

    Best wishes my friend! You deserve so much better.

    ETA: Have you tried talking with the counselor at your school? Is there another adult you trust and can talk to for advice and help?  A teacher, neighbor, social worker? Don't give up!

  3. Hmm, this is a tough situation.  Since your adopted parents are not listening to you, go talk to a counselor at school and ask that counselor to call your parents in for a discussion.  That way, they will be forced to sit and talk with you.  Be sure to tell the counselor exactly what you have been feeling so he/she knows what to tell your .  Here are some website that could help:

  4. I had a friend, she was in adopted from many families too.

    After from all that drama and pain she went through similar like you, she finally realized "I have to try to get others to love me. " If you don't understand, let me explain.

    For example : Those families who she lived with don't like her because she often cause trouble. and therefore she felt no one love her and therefore she was depressed and went in the hospital cause she was attempting suicide.

    In her 20s, then she starting to be nice to her new family, treat them with respect, help out with the family's chores and follow the rules. And the family respond back with respect, positive attention and love. She said only if she knew that long time ago, she wouldn't go through those pain. If she behave the way to let others to like her, then she will be loved. It's very simple concept.

    you might not know why you are acting out sometimes, it might because you want attention from the adults. No one wants a screaming trouble kid in the house, it gives people headache. just be good and they will give you love and positive attention.

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