
Im 15 and i found out im pregnant but ive been doing things wh hurt my baby what should i do?

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i just turned 15 and found out that i am 1 month pregnant but in the past month i have been to parties and have been doing things which can hurt my baby what should i do, and how should i tell my parents that im pregant?




  1. stop right away

    if you keep going the baby could have brain damage and other major problems when it is born.... go to the dr. regularly for check ups

  2. I turned 17 about 2 months ago.. N I'm about to be 3 months pregnant... I know wat you're going thru, with the parent part, bkux I had to deal with that to... Theres no wrong or right way to telling your parents that you're pregnant, you judy have to tell them.. Gotta do it sooner on later so just get it over with! And about the drug n drinking part... U just need to stop,.. If you had s*x you had to know you could end up pregnant..  N bkux you could end up pregnant you shouldn't have even dared to be doing all that stuff... You're not suppost to be doing drugs to begin with...

  3. Well, if you plan on having the baby, then you need to stop partying. Your baby could be born with a cognitive disability due to drinking while you are pregnant. I think you should just tell your parents and try to come up with a solution together with them.. There is really no easy way to tell your parents, you just have to be blunt and do it. Good luck!!

  4. where are your party friends now ? do you know who is this child's father? you said you were doing things that can hurt your baby so I guess you are speaking of drugs ?  Go to your parents right away and tell them exactly what you told us.... at this time your parents are your only friends.....good luck to you and your

  5. Leah, I'm the product of a mother that tried to harm me before I was born.  You want to know wha could happen, even if you didn't do it on purpose?  Go read my profile, and know what it feel like from someine that is living evidence of wha could happen.  As for being preggers..well, you got a lot more problems ahead of you no matte which way you go.  No matte your deciision, you have mor to conside now.  Hang in there.

  6. you need to tell them immediately

  7. I partied before I found out I was preg. I quit drinking and drugs but I couldn't quit smoking It was too much. Once in a while I smoked weed on the advice of a jamaican friend who said a lot of women smoked while pregnant. I only smoked when I felt I really needed it.Your body has some sort of filter that protects the baby. Addicts are the ones to worry about, alcoholics, etc  I think if you don't know how to tell your parents yet find a teen pregnancy support group maybe for advice. Your parents will be devastated for a lot of reasons, but they will come around because its their grandchild THere should be a lot of support groups for you who can help with some things you will need. A really good and popular book is "what to expect when your expecting" Save money and find second hand maternity clothes. You can get second hand baby stuff carseats, cribs things like that at yard sales and in really good condition. If you know who the baby's father is he has to pay child support. See a lawyer who gives free consultations and get as much advice as possible. This is one of the most difficult situations you will have have to deal with, it is so hard. your party life is mostly over in the beginning. Be responsible and mature. Your parents can help but they don't want to raise your baby. Don't take advantage of them. This is all your responsibility. Stay in school it will be hard but you and your baby need you to get a good job. You can do it, but this baby is yours. It comes first no matter what.. I wish you a healthy, happy baby. Good luck.

  8. Well tell ur parent right away so they can help, so they can take u to the doctor and let the dr give u prenatal vitams and make sure everything is ok.. STOP HURTING THE BABY!

  9. What you do is hope your baby will be okay, and stop doing things that might hurt it. No drinking, smoking, or drugs. Try to eat fruits and vegetables. A lot of fruits actually taste pretty good, like peaches. And get protein too - meat, fish, eggs, cheese, peanut butter.

    If you are really healthy through the rest of your pregnancy, your baby will probably be okay. My friend's mom drank and smoked weed when she was pregnant with my friend, and my friend is super smart. She wasn't affected by the drugs. That doesn't mean you can keep using drugs and drinking and smoking, it just means that what you've done doesn't necessarily mean you hurt your baby.

  10. STOP drinking, smoking, and doing drugs!!!  You'll end up having a baby that's brain damaged or hooked on whatever you've been using. Smoking while pregnant can cause deformities in the baby. Look up pictures of babies with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and stop drinking. :o(

    Just sit your parents down and tell them soon. The sooner you admit it to them, the less angry they'll be.

  11. you have some tough choices to make. obviously for someone so young you have been living in the fast lane. time to come clean with yourself and figure out what you want.

    do you want this child? if so time to clean up your act. come fresh with your parents as well. they need to knwo and you need prenatal care quickly.

    its not too late. take care and good luck.

  12. Go to the doctor. Tell the doctor this.  There are tests they can run, even early.  you may have seriously damaged your baby.  I hope you do some real thinking about birth control and wild living.  This is a serious grown up situation and honey, if the baby is viable the State can take it away from you when it is born if you don't stop using. Sometimes a medical abortion is performed IF the damage is real and serious.

  13. Many women drink before they realize that they're pregnant.  Just be more careful from now on, and tell your doctor everything.  Your baby should be fine.

    <3 Kelsey

  14. YOu're keeping it, right? If so-STOP the partying NOW! As long as you don't continue-you should be ok..But talk to a doctor to get a second opinion..Also, tell your parents..There's nothing they can do about it now..Maybe they will help you even though they will be upset at first.

  15. what things? drinking, doing drugs?

    if you plan on having yor baby, stop this NOW.

    drugs can really mess up the baby. You might even have a miscarriage

    RE:  if you are hooked on any of these things, please do anything to stop yourself. And if you are not, then good for you.

  16. Tell your parents, so you can ask a doctor straight away.

    You have not said what you have been doing.

    So I can help you at this time.

    Good luck and really tell your parents ASAP.

  17. It was so immature to have s*x. If youve been doing stuff you have to go to a family planning center and they will help you tell your parents.....tell the you even know who it is?

  18. the best thing you can do right now is tell your parents. Your mother has obviously been pregnant before, she'll know exactly what to do. If you are having the baby, you are now responsible as a mother, and therefore have to come completely clean with your guardians, even if it means fessing up to having s*x, doing drugs, and drinking. It'll be ok :)

  19. you need to tell your parents asap and get to the doctors to check out everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. stop drinking, lay off the drugs, and everytime u wanna smoke, think of the damage to ur youngster ur doing. hope this helps > 3. its not easy but im sure ull make through it ok. you may also have to stop partying for a bit. as far as the parents thing, tell one parent u really trust in private, tell them u will be fully responsible for it and then see what happens from then.

  21. Stop doing those things. If you are addicted to the drugs then go to a rehab center so that they can make you better and so you don't hurt your baby. Just say "mom dad could you please sit down. I know you may be disappointed in me but I am pregnant". See where it goes from there. Good luck.

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