
Im 15 and im trying to be able to get my pilot's licence, who has enough info and is also 15 who can help me?

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I dont care how old you are, i just prefer someone who is in the same circumstance as me and my age.




  1. Ok... I am 13 and want to become a pilot. The best thing is to buy Microsoft Flight Simulator X for $30. I learned my basics from ther like how to start it up... the altimeter... stall speeds... flaps settings.... and I bought a joystick for $30 and just learned to fly!

    Now I don't want to go through the military so this is what I am doing

    -Get 4 year college degree in Auernatical Science at Embry Riddle (preffered by airline for degree) When I graduate... they give me a commercial liscence

    -Get a first class medical ( really easy just like checkup)

    -Now airlines want lots of hours start off so work for a regional airline for 5-10 years to get them

    -Get a regional airline job for 5-10 years

    -Work at Continental airlines

    --------Your Questions----------

    ----At what age can I start getting ready for my license?----

    You can fly an airplane at any age. As long as you are the co-pilot. The age to actually take control of the aircraft and get a students liscence is at the age of 16. You can fly solo or by yourself at 17. At 18 you can get an ATP's (Airline Transport Pilot) liscence this is what you need to fly for the big airlines like United, Delta... ect. Regional airlines require an Commercial Liscence

    ----What is the best school in the country?----

    The top two are Embry Riddle and North Dakota University.

    ---- In how many years can I become an airplane pilot for any airline?----

    -High School Graduate 18

    -4 Year college at 18-22

    -Training and getting hours 22-24

    -Regional Airline 24-30

    -Commercial Airline 30-65

    ----Is this expensive?----

    Not as much as you think. Once everything is said and done it is around $150,000

    -$100,000 for college without scholarship

    -$50,000 for training ( Commercial airlines require 1000 hours in multi engine aircraft which can be expensive so I reccomend going into a Regional Airline which takes 0-50 multi engine hours (ME) I would reccomend training with somebody who is going in your same career course to split the cost

    ----Do I need to go to college?----

    No, but if you are faced with 100 people who are wanting to be in a 25 person opening... they will look for an education first. They all reccomend it.

    ----And what classes can I get in high school?----

    I would reccomend taking classes on interviewing skills because the best interview gets the best job. End it with..." You may find better inteerviews than mine, but nobody will work harder than me"

    Hope that this helps. I found all this information over A four month period. Try You can select an airline and see if they are hiring, their fleet, pay scale, and hiring minimuns.

    1 day ago


  2. Luke,

    You are at a great age to learn and can get that pilot certificate in any number of ways.  I don't know where you live but I would suggest you find a local EAA Chapter.  Go to  Once you are on the site main page, select the "programs" tab.  There is a Chapter Locator function on this page.  Select it and then enter the state you are in.  This will give you a list of all the Chapters in the State.  Select the one nearest you, then call or email the contact and let them know of your situation.  

    Many chapters have a "Young Eagles" program.  The EAA Young Eagles program was launched in 1992 to give interested young people, ages 8 - 17, an opportunity to go flying in a general aviation airplane. These flights are offered free of charge and are made possible through the generosity of EAA member volunteers.

    Since 1992, more than 1.25 million Young Eagles have enjoyed a flight through the program. Young Eagles have been registered in more than 90 different countries and have been flown by nearly 40,000 volunteer pilots.

    Chances are, you will find out there are a number of people in the Chapter who have resources, can give guidance, help you meet with people who have similar situation, dreams, and aspirations.

    Tom at

  3. You can learn now!  It's a great experience.  I solo'd two days before my first drivers license.  It still ranks as one my great experiences in life!

  4. We'll start with the most simple answer first. You will either need a significant amount ot money, or a significant amount of time in your life. Only you know which one you have more of to spend on getting a pilot's license.

  5. Luke, i am 15, and am taking my privat pilots licence.

    Im am ready to go solo, and should be doing so on my 16th birthday (in 12 days, can't wait!). If you were to start now, and get to solo standard around your 16th, you could then train for a remaining year, and spread out the lessons quite well to gain your licence when you are 17. It's quite simple really. I'd take a look at some flying schools on the internet, and then go and visit them for an hour, and ask any questions you have.

    Good luck, and welcome to the world of flying!

  6. Hey, I know where you're coming from. I am currently 17 and am about to do my cross-country flight and then check ride. Well being 15 you are old enough to start training, you just have to be...I think its 16 to solo. But before you commit to getting an instructor and renting a plane, first evaluate how much money you are willing to pay. I myself did not have a huge amount of dough, and so I work 20+ hours a week. I would suggest going for your sport pilot's certificate. It is much cheaper than going straight for your private. Expect to pay $2500-4000 for sport certificate. The great thing is, is that once you get your sport certification you can jump right into your private pilot training, and all of your accumulated hours count for it. All you have to do more of if a longer x-country, night flying and more solo hours. But go check out your local airport and see what they have to offer. Dont be shy in asking questions. Also you may want to register with "Young Eagles" It is a program where you can fly for free and experience the joy before beginning training. I did it and it was a blast! If you have ANY questions, shoot me an e-mail and I'll help you the best I can, because I know exactly what it feels like to be in your position.


  7. Hi Luke,

      I'm in my early 20s, not 15, but I can tell you that to get your pilots license you have to be 17 years old to get the actual certificate, but you can solo at 16. You can start learning now with an instructor, but you wont be able to fulfill all of the requirements for a couple years. It can cost anywhere from 4,500 to 10,000 depending on what kind of aircraft you do your training in. Keep in mind that learning in a 40 year old Cessna 150, or a brand new Cirrus will get you the same certificate. It's expensive to learn how to fly, so go the cheapest route for the sake of your/parents wallet.

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