
Im 15 and ive got 6 visable piercings, would a lip piercing be too much?

by  |  earlier

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ive got 5 ear piercings [double lobe & helix] and nose




  1. Ew yeah! i wouldn';t be asking you to the dance!!

  2. No dont get a lip percing.  It would be way too much.  I personally wouldnt want to get my lip pierced.  It makes you look like a druggie

  3. I personally don't think that t's too much, but just remember for the furture, most people consider facial piercings to be "job-stoppers" and won't hire you. But since you're young, enjoy it now.

  4. that would b too much just because most 15 year olds shouldnt have that many visable peircings

    but if ya really wanna u should.

  5. yes, lip piercings are disgusting

  6. nah it'll luk fine.. but if u gt it done and you think it looks too much.. jst take the nose piercing out.. up to u tho. wat u fink luks good mataz. ask what ur parents fink

  7. ew, what's that piece of food on your lip? oh, it's a piercing. :-(

    Besides they're kinda lame a this point.

    If you want to be noticed, why not do something significant or meaningful. any fool can stick a hole in her body.

  8. in my opinion, a little bit yes. but don't let that stop you, someone's always going to have a problem with what you're wearing or how you look, not just you but everyone. if you like it, then go for it! but the reason i think it's too much is because it attracts a certain crowd, every girl i know with a ton of piercings is a druggie/w***e. not saying that's who you are, but that's the impression your teacher will get. the important thing, though, is that YOU like it! if it's good in your opinion, then get it.  

  9. nah i've got five & im getting my belly & a few more

  10. if you wanna be cool, sure, why not.

  11. as long as your ok with it then its fine...

  12. Yes it would.

    Why don't you use clothing rather than piercings to make yourself look unique?

  13. No that's not bad ,

    if you get your lip pierced just get it on the opposite side of the nose .

    It'll look great .

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