
Im 15 and my bf is 21. We are very serious and i want to tell my parents. How should i tell them?

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Me and my Bf have been dating for a while now. I love him and he loves me. We aren't doing anything illegal because we are both saving ourselves for marriage. I want to tell my parents. My parents are 7 years apart and me and my bf are only 6. I know my mom will take it better than my dad. because my dad is very protective over me. Me and my bf are going to sit down with my parents to talk to them. But i just dont know how to approach it and how to say it to them. And im scared of their reaction. I dont know what i would do without my bf.




  1. Relax with their answeres. Tell your mom first and she will help you with your dad.

    When I was 14 I dated a 22 year old, it went fine for a while, separated because I lost interest in him. I have always dated older guys, but I am mature enough to handle them. So think carefully before making any decisions. When I was 18 I married a 32 year old that's 14 years older than me. My mother took some time to get used to it, but she now loves him and is very happy that I am with him. We are still in love after 10 years.

    Sit your mom down and explain all of your feelings and hopes and all that c**p that teenagers think about. She will guide you through it. Remember moms always know best.

  2. I don't think you realize how much older he is than you. It's crazy.  

  3. Just think that after you tell'll feel soooo much better...l0lz

    the faster you do it the sooner you get it over with.

    Make sure you tell them before you begin that you want to talk to them but youd really appreciate it (or love it) if they would just let you get out everything before they say their opinions.

    tell them that what they have to say is important to you...but also getting out everything you have to say about the situation is also important to you.....

    and being that you are a mindful that they kind of...even if you dont like have the upper hand.

    i just hope everything works out. and i hope he is really how he says he is. i hope that hes really a good person and a goof bf to later....because believe you me,....they do change.


    dont forget to put if i gave the best advice please...i would really be grateful!!!

    good luck!!

  4. just tell em if u done and they find out its to ads mr post man

  5. do you  really want to marry someone who is into kids?

  6. just tell ur bf that he is a child malester..

    what can u even have in common and doo he is legally able to drink and stufff, ughhh

  7. wow. this was me like a month ago..i told my parents about my bf and i and i'm 19 and he's but. i think that at first you should just be like, you know, i want to tell you this as a daughter to my parents but you know, it's important that you guys react as friendly as you can. this has been really hard for me to get out and i haven't told you yet because of the age difference. but we're in a relationship and i'm a better person with this person..etc. basically sell it to them. w/o saying you love eachother, that might freak them out. explain that youknow that you're young, but you're also geting to the age where you can decide things for your love interests..

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!

  8. Wow. Well, I understand your logic on how your parents are seven years apart and you and your boyfriend are only 6. But the main difference here is that you are only 15. I dont care who says what..."age is only a number.." that is BS. You are 15 years old and he is 21.

    There is nothing wrong on your side with wanting to be with someone mature and older (in my opinion), but there is definately something wrong with going through with it to the extreme that you have. Hahaha. But your too young to understand. 5 years from now (if you grow up) your going to see how inappropriate this relationship is. He definately needs to relax. You need to understand that someone that much older dating you (in your age bracket) might have some kind of issue.

    Maybe you should tell your parents/maybe you shouldn't. But they will definately talk some serious sense into you if you do.

  9. No comment

    You think he loves you, but most likely he has cruel intentions

    Aint no way in h3ll someone his age is serious about someone your age

    Been there done that

  10. Tell them and explain everything and all your feelings. Make them understand that he is one of the most important people in your life and you honestly love him. Tell them you are still a virgin and he isn't using you for s*x, that should help ur dad wit him. Also, let your parents meet and get to kno ur bf. That should really help. I wish you the best of luck though.

  11. Just be honest with them and it will help dont get deffensive and let them know that you havent done anything mabey just ask if  you can have a gust over for dinner one night and do it at dessert  

  12. when you are young, age differences are a lot bigger than when you are your parents' age. the whole relationship is probably a bad idea. you are 15! dating someone that is 21, is definitely not a good idea. date someone your own age hun, you will be way happier in the long-run.

  13. Say, "i love him he loves me, and we r very serious." If they get mad. Say " Nothing you do can keep me away from him!!" and remember he can drive so you can find a way to get to him

  14. no your crazy your parents would be so mad my parents are ten years apart and i would not tell them that

  15. You are jail bait for him because you are a minor.  If anybody gets wind of this beyond simple friendship then he could end up in the slammer so fast your head would spin.  The best thing he could do would be to dump you for someone more his own age, or at least 18 or over.  All that has to happen is he gets accused of being a child molester and it's off to jail for him.

  16. Be careful. I was 15 and dated a 23 year old. I was 17 and dated a 22 year old. I thought that dating older guys was a good idea because they were "more mature," but they ended up using me in the end. It's horrible to be used.

    If you guys are really serious, have your parents get to know him more. Let them see what a great guy he is.  

  17. Holy c**p. Someone is desperate

  18. all you have to do is ask.

  19. Wow. 15 and 21 ??. Woah ..  I mean that has R.Kelly written all over it...  

  20. honestly, i dont think you should tell your parents, unless they are like amazinglyyyy cool, im pretty sure they wont go for it.

    also, dont listen to any one that says anything bad about your relationship, age is just a number, if you guys like eachother thats all that matters.

    im fifteen and my ex boyfriend is almost twenty, so i can relate, but i told my parents he was seventeen haha

  21. That's a pretty big age-gap. Before mentioning it to your folks really think about your relationship with him.

    How long have you been together before things have gotten more serious?

    Does he ask to see you topless/nude more than he says how much he cares for you? Make sure he's not using you just for s*x.

    My parents actually have a 12 year age difference, so if your relationship is very close talking about it with your parents is an excellent idea, and I hope it works out well for you both. =)

  22. well i think its cute with so many years apart and you are saving yourselves for marriage. atleast you arent getting married now...or whatever. your mom and dad may get mad, just depends and they might say that you are so young and that theyd want to experience more people out there. you COULD do that and if you really hate doing it then you know for sure how much you love him. good luck with everything!

  23. Yea but your parents are not under 18, that's a big difference. Its illegal to be having s*x with a 21 year old guy. Your parents are not going to be happy about this and might want him to go to jail for anything the two of you might have done, its illegal to be in an sexual relationship with some one under the age of 18 for him. He's a pretender get away from him. Good luck

  24. first of all, i think it is brilliant that you are saving yourselves for marriage

    id say they will take some real convincing and probably alot of time for them to come to terms with the situation

    but keep in mind that it is a relatively large age gap, so try to look at it from there point of view

  25. Well, if you're scared of their reaction, there must be a reason, eh? So, what's the guy's problem that he can't go out with girls his own age? Just wondering.

  26. Speak to your mom about it first and perhaps get her to soften up your dad so he doesn't go mental!

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