
Im 15 and my b***s are kinda wierd shaped. like they are perfectly round. will these change as i get older?

by  |  earlier

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will exercises help?




  1. No they will not change wwe all are born differnt u shuldnt call them weird b***s but ur type of b***s

  2. That's just your body type. It's no big deal. Nobody has perfectly round b***s. And you're still growing, so they might change, they might not. Trust me, don't worry about it.

  3. of course they change...

    they get bigger =)

  4. They will change shape yet. This is perfectly normal. b*****s grow differently and are all different shapes and sizes. They also tend to grow asymmetrical at first.

  5. send a pic

    im a doctor ill tell u

  6. when was perfectly round bad?

  7. lot of people feel about they having small size,

    u proud of urs so happy

    for reduce ur size use tight bra & daily oil massage, execise and all.

    for more tips

  8. yea im sure they well change im no boob expert but i have 3 sisters.  do pec work outs, works for guys y not chicks.

  9. d u have a pic, maybe we could help you better. otherwise, without a boobjob, they will become useless sacks after some time

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