
Im 15 and my b***s dont grow! what do i do?

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im only an A-30!!!! I WANNA HAVE HUGE b***s BUT THEY ARE SO SMALL! how can i get them to grow?




  1. Start eating a whole lot of food. High fat content greasy foods. It'll make your b*****s grow with no weight gain.  

  2. gain weight or just accept your b***s the way they are. look at models, hey are flat chested, maybe its ur fate to be the same way. enjoy no matter what you have. its beautiful and not something you should sweat.

  3. You are still young they will grow.  You can't do anything to make them grow.

  4. well looks like there are some pretty good answers out there, but if your really are THAT desperate, maybe this will help you. my cousin is 20 and she has the same size b***s as you (poor her) but she tried this program and started seeing slight results.

  5. uhh u can either wait .. they will grow at least a little . or breast implants . but i wouldnt eat lots of greasy foods cause i wouldnt want to ruin my health by eating greasy food just for big b***s . but thats just me . if u dont care about that then eat greasy food . padded bras r good. NEVER EVER EVER STUFF . trust me  =X  just ask ur parents for breast implants . and if ur scared to ask .. DONT B  . or u can just accept the way u r. ur the best u can b. wow i sound corny .. newayz i wouldnt get a boob job but if ur that desperate do it .

  6. you should be fine...i didnt start growing b***s till i was 14 an ended up with a D cup. you jus have to let nature take its course cuz everyone is different.

  7. i think im goina need a picture to help you out here

  8. Be glad there are guys like me who love small b***s.

    more than a handful is wasteful anyway !

  9. Drink Milk

  10. Make practice to exercise everyday  and also use pushing bras:-) take a much food which have more vitamins and protins

  11. BOOB JOB!

  12. Do you really want the attention that big b***s attract?

  13. lmao k so im flat too. don't worry, you're not alone

    and im only 13

    but you're prob gonna keep growing. b***s are odd. thy grow, then they stop. and then they grow and then they stop and you're kinda like wth ? ahah

    but anyways, this mgiht sound weird but my mom says eating papayas will make them grow faster. and try drinking lots of milk ? ahha

    good luck, sweetie =)

  14. Have patience... or drink milk ^o^

  15. eat your wheaties

  16. Well you're only 15. Are your mum's b***s big? If they are you might just need to wait a bit longer, but if they're not, then yours probably won't grow much more, sorry.

    Nothing wrong with small b***s though, a lot of guys prefer them.

  17. just ask ur parents for implants. or padded bras

  18. wait for it to happen. every girl have different starting time of growing. just be patient and hold that boob might cause you more than you bargained for.  

  19. sorry, i really hate telling you this but it is sorta the luck of the draw. if my oppinion means anything, b*****s don't really matter, its the person that does. o, and don't start eating more, because yea, they will grow, but so will everything else  

  20. ur breast dont stop growing til ur 18. but 30A... maybe gain a little weight

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