
Im 15 and realy worried about global warming what can I personaly do to help?

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Dont say anything that A 15 year old couldnt do please




  1. There is nothing you can do.  The earth cools and warms on its own.  Just to make you feel better, this years winter in China has been the coldest in over 100 years.  Al Gore doesn't know what he's talking about.

  2. Children and Teenagers who are the real victims of global warming.

    Because if your an adult and believe humans are causing temperature change, then god bless you. But children can't think for themselves yet.

    interesting article he reads... sounds familiar eh?

  3. Don't take these wonks too seriously here.  Many of them are brainwashed by screaming extemist right wing talk show hosts and haven't a clue hjow to think for themselves.

    We may or may not be causing global warming, but we are definitely damaging our ecosystem in

    catostrophic ways.   If you want to do something, help educate others about caring for the environment.  Conserve, recyclye,   don't be overly materialistic because anything material is transitory anyway.  Don't accept simplistic answers.  These people who are writing off the whole deal because they have no interest in saving the environment in any way are not very aware or they wouldn't think that way.  

    If we were to take every step that is being recommended to prevent global warming, we would just be doing that which we should be doing regardless of global warming.  Cutting vehicle emissions and cleaning up our world are no less important regardless of the outcome of the global warming debate.  And you might have noticed that this forum is being dominated by those who have made up their minds against the idea that we are causing or contributing to global warming .  That's not surprising to me, because I frequent other message boards on yahoo like stock market message boards and they also are dominated by simple minded yahoos who have nothing intelligent to say.

  4. obviously attend public school.

    Ok...things a 15 year old can do to change the energy output of the sun, or the earth's absorption of said rays...

    ...wear white.

  5. look, Global warming is all based on the fact that the temperature of the Earth's core is a few degrees warmer than it was a few hundred years ago.  A few degrees.  Don't be angry if i tell that i am not too convinced that the thermometers they were using a few hundred years ago to measure the temp of the Earth's core were exaclty accurate.  

    Now, if your asking if we should look into alternate fuel sources and walk to school instead of taking a car so we can cut back on emissions, then yeah.  We do need to be aware that all of the fuel that we burn has and impact on the environment, but if you are worried about "global warming" then you are wasting your time.  

    What you can do to help cut back emissions is to try and cut back on the amount of energy you use. Turning the lights off when you leave a room, walking or riding a bike instead of letting your dad drive you to your friends, etc...granted, the effect of turning off a light when you leave a room to save energy is like the water level in the ocean dropping when you get out because your skin is wet.

  6. Nothing else, it is the earth life.

    We are melting since last glaciation, about 5.000.000 years ago.

  7. em. ee. el. ee. eye. Is right.

    When you start driving you can also:

    Drive an electric vehicle or a hybrid

    Use public transit

    Bike or walk if possible

    Reduce your carbon footprint

    Don't support companies who pollute.

    Additionally...write to your government representatives. You may not be old enough to vote yet but you can still write and you will be a voter. When you turn 18 VOTE. Vote for representatives who understand consequences global warming.

    Do good in school. You could get a degree in college after HS that could lead you to developing reusable fuels or any number of things. You could go into politics yourself.


  8. When I was your age the scientists and the media were telling us that we were headed for an ice age and that there would be wide spread famine and sickness. They said we would have shorter growing seasons and would not be able to grow enough food.

    Something I learned from that time was an old saying that my grandfather used to tell me. "Believe nothing you hear and half of what you see."

    There is plenty of evidence to support the fact that most of the warming in the 20th century was natural and caused primarily by an increase in solar activity. You can read more about it here:

    Apparently YA is having a problem with links.

  9. Boy,the NEA and Algore really got to you. Global warming is a natural reoccurring  phenomenon. Do you realize as recently as the 1970's the liberal media was predicting a terrible "ice age" within the next thirty years?  Do you also realize that Al Gore owns a lot of the companies that sells devices and or systems to allegedly combat "global warming" and he is just advocating this whole global warming shtick to make a lot of money.?

  10. You have a lot of people telling you global warming is important and a lot of people who are telling you its nonsense.

    The number one thing you can do is study facts not believe uninformed goobers like us.

    I studdied and think its a load of *&(%(

  11. stop being retarded the earth is naturally heating and cooling on its own. we have only records of the temparature from a little while back. maybe compared to other ancients times we are going thru an ice age

  12. go vegetarian, go vegan, recycle, when u buy a car buy 1 that uses less fossil fuels (gasoline. like hybrids and stuff), THINK ABOUT WUT U DO B4 U DO IT, burn less wood, encourage people 2 stop cutting down the forests, start clubs, u can do all these things. the health of our planet depends on the ones who screwed it up (US), and it can be saved w/ the help of 1 person, and that could b u. im w/ u all the way.

  13. Don't worry about it. It's all hype and at your age you need not worry about things that no human can control or cause. But if you are going to worry about something then worry about the folks that are trying to push this hoax and take your money and standard of living away to line their own pockets.


  15. i'm 15 too and i'm extremely worried about global warming too...  all you can do is prevent and stop adding to the problem:


    buy organic stuff or locally grown foods

    use energy efficient lightbulbs in your house

    don't use hairspray

    don't use plastic waterbottles rather use a reusable one

    ask your parents if you can switch the showers to low flow

    hope i helped.  and i hope you can ask all your friends to go green too!!! :)

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