
Im 15 and want to become a fireman????

by Guest58585  |  earlier

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is there anything i can do to increase my chances of getting in when i am 18?





  1. i mean, i guess it is the same with any job type thing. you should go to a firehouse or see if there is any way you can volunteer. then u should try to record that down somehow. it would be on ur resume or something like that. it should look really good having volunteer hours for that. good luck!

  2. Go see your local fire station they will advise you, you need to be fit, fast and in top health, my brother in law is in the fire brigade.


  3. Go to your local fire house and ask questions, they will direct you.

  4. train,if you wanna be a fireman now you can!just go burn something then put out the fire,if you burn the h**l out of your house,you can't ba a fireman

  5. be in shape

  6. Jay B, The best thing I would tell you is that you have 3 years till your 18. Enjoy being young and at the same time just make sure that you don't hurt your chances by not graduating and/or getting caught up in something stupid. Its good to have a goal. Research your final goal and make steps to get there. To get there depends on you. You know what you want so go get it!

  7. Stay fit, work out and do volunteer work at the local stations.

  8. Alot of places have junior firefighter programs that allow for such a thing. Being able to get some experience and knowlwdge is crucial. Also if their is a volunteer department locally discuss it with them.

  9. you can always visit the fire station and talk to the firemen about this. you can also read a lot of books about firemen.

  10. keep good grades and stay on the up and up and be an honest helpful person.  thank you for wanting to help others.

  11. Join a volunteer rescue organisation such as the RLNI - maybe doing communications or the like then you will have some grounding in emergency services. I have been a volunteer with the State Emergency Service in Australia for the past twenty years - By doing this has given me plenty of opportunities to work for the emergency services. Hope this helps

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