
Im 15 in grade 9 what highschool courses will i need to become a doctor? and what courses in collage?

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what high school cources will i need and collage cources? plaese exkuse my typing




  1. It doesn't really matter what you take in highschool if you're not planning to go to an upper-level college.

    The only thing it will do is introduce what you'll be doing in college courses.

    Just so you know, there are MANY doctorettes that you can receive, so your statement of wanting to be a doctor is extremely broad.

    As far as highschool goes, you have to take the required classes like Biology and Physical Science. My advice is to take an advanced Biology and possibly a Chemistry(if it is part of the doctorette field you're interested in) in addition to:

    For an animal doctor---Zoology

    For a psychologist---Psychology and/or Psychiatry

    For a general hands-on human doctor---Anatomy/Physiology

    I don't mean to sound like a smart-ellick hun, but I really don't know what type of doctor you are referring to. I didn't really realize just how many there are until I started investigating what college classes to take in the medical field. For now, I'm focusing on a Biology BS to go to a graduate school for dentistry.

    Then again, you might want to stay with the medical field and change what you want to do. Whatever the case, stick to science classes that interest you, and maybe a few advanced maths, and you should be fine!

    Good luck to you!

  2. high school doesn't really matter.  if there is an honors program then go into it.  it will make colleges apps look good.

    when you apply for college you will be put in the pre-med program.  this will be a lot chem, biology, and other sciences.  my sister was in it for one year and dropped out.

    if anything, take those bio and chem classes in high school.  if your school offers ap bio or ap chem try and take those.  if you don't like/don't excell in these classes....chem in college will be a major pain in the ****..... every one i know who is pre-med,biochem, or the likehas failed at least one chem course

  3. If you're becoming a doctor, you'll probably need to brush up on your spelling...

  4. There's not really specific classes you can take in High School. It doesn't matter what classes you take because what you want to become is determined in college. Just get good grades in HS so you can have a variety of options of colleges to go to. Once you go to college, there are counselors that tell you what classes you need to take to become a doctor. But your first semesters in college will be your general classes. Then once you finish with those, you will take specific classes for your major. Just make sure you plan, since the beginning, what general classes you are going to take because many can "double count" (which means that you get credit for your general classes and get credit for your major). Hope this helps you :)

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