
Im 15 n might b preg. n my mom said if i am shes gonna make me have an abortion. can she do that? ?

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i don't want to have an abortion but my mom does can she make me do that???? what should i do??




  1. No she can not force you to, and if she continue to try to tell your DR, a school counselor, child services etc.

  2. No. Once you become pregnant you have a lot more say about what happens in your life and more freedom and things (if your underage)

    She can't even kick you out, actually.

  3. no she can not make you.

    don't get in the car with her when she wants to take you.

    there is no law agains that.

  4. no she can not literally make you because it is your child. give her some time to cool down then talk to her again and explain how you feel to her. but she really can not force you to get one. although she could kick you out for not listening to her

  5. Oh god, just have the abortion, Seriously you are 15 years old, your child will be mediocre at best. You aren't special, your child wont be special...just another statistic in an overpopulated world.  

  6. she definetely cannot !

    she is your Mother, but that is your body, your own choices.

  7. Tell her that you want to put the baby up for adoption.  Call a doctor or a counselor and tell them your story ... they should help

  8. your mother can not make you do anything..parents cant dictate your life tell her to f*ck off its your life your your own person and its your body do what you want with it..i say keep the baby only have an abortion if you want one

  9. to be honest with you its your decision i believe your mom is wise because having a child at that age is gonna wear you down  

  10. No, legally, she cannot.

  11. No, talk to planned parenthood they can help you.  

  12. You need to sit down and discuss this further with your mom.  You should at least consider adoption.  And in the future if you are going to have s*x you should use protection...although I think you may be too young to even be having s*x.  Good Luck

  13. She cannot make you get an abortion.  However, I would consider adoption since you are quite young and your mother doesn't sound like she'll be very supportive at all.  It'll be VERY hard for you to take care of a baby if your mom is not helping you.  Do you happen to have a dad that you are close to?  If so, talk to him.  Maybe he'll be more supportive.

  14. No, she can not make you. My dad used to tell me that when I was about your age (I'm 21 now). He would say "If you get pregnant, you WILL get an abortion". No one can make you get that, underage or not. If I were you I would just try talking to your mom WITHOUT attitude and be sincere in explaining to her how you feel. If that doesn't work than you need to go to a school counselor or someone of some kind of authority. Good luck.

    Also whatever you do, DONT talk to Planned Parenthood. Those people are all about abortion. I am 39 weeks pregnant and I went there for a free pregnancy test. It obviously came out positive and I told them I was nervous but happy and needed some guidance of where to get prenatal care and all since this is my first pregnancy. Instead they gave me an endless amount of papers on abortion and adoption. I think they gave me 1 paper on weighing out the pros and cons of actually having my baby and keeping it. I was also 21 so I'm not considered a teen pregnancy...

    So dont talk to them.

  15. Your mother cannot make you get an abortion. Yes, she is your mother and is legally responsible for you, but she does not have control over the decision to keep or abort your child. Only you can make that decision.

  16. She can do whatever she wants to do, she is your mother and you are 15 that isnt a right age, so she still controls your life. know what you are up to.  

  17. Your Mother cannot force you into an abortion, its your body not hers. I would talk to an attorney or child services because your mom cant force you to murder your unborn child!i

  18. Oh my!  High five to you!  No, your mom can NOT make you have an abortion!  You stand your ground, girl!  Good for you!

    I would make a suggestion though- You are so terribly young to have a baby.  Maybe you should think about giving it up for adoption...

    That might help your mom's opinion sway a little.

  19. No, she cannot MAKE you have an abortion. The clinics have to have YOUR consent, not hers. So, even if she drives you to go get one and you don't want to get one, just don't sign the papers and tell them you're there against your will. Your mother can't do anything about that.

  20. I was looking through your profile, and one of your questions earlier was "How do I tell my mom I'm pregnant" and that was 2 months ago.. I think you should know by now if you're pregnant or not.

    I think I would find out first, and take it from there. Perhaps you should take a test and find out the answer before you give your mother a heart attack.

  21. Legally I don't think she can make you have one.  Then again, different places have different laws, and you probably don't live in the same state I do, maybe not even the same country.

    I suppose she could do something like kick you out of the house if you don't, or refuse to help you pay for college if you don't, or something like that.

  22. This is the law; Your mother can only advise you but cannot force you. You are emancipated when it comes to making decisions concerning you doctors and baby's health

    emancipated:(not constrained or restricted by custom, tradition, superstition, etc.: a modern, emancipated woman.

  23. You say you 'might' be pregnant, yet, your avatar says soon-to-be-mommy... Which is it?

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