
Im 15 what are my chances of dating miley cyrus?

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i live in ct so im pretty far from cali and i can play guitar and am pretty good looking so how do i do this?




  1. lmfao!lmfao!lmfao!lmfao!lmfao!

    Okay well first of all, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. You will deffinatley not date Miley, none the less even talk to her! And I'm pretty sure she would rather date some hott famous guy who she knows, then some weird stalker ugly person like you.  

  2. OMFG you want to date her? You want lil miss preppy pretty pants? Why in the world would anyone in their right nevermind...i'd say your chances are VERY slim. Good Luck though.

  3. Slim to none. sorry. Celebrities don't date fans.  

  4. are you good at singing & dancing you could be like the jonas brothers. you prob. could date her .you go dude & good luck.

  5. Well, look out for miley look a likes

  6. you have a chance but i wouldn't go for her. but if it's what u want k. get an agent and audition for a show or movie miley's in. if u get in u might be able to become friends and maybe something more.  

  7. Slim to nothing. Why would you want to date her anyways?

  8. I would guess your chances are between 0 and 0.1 percent. Stick to watching Pamela Anderson do Tommy Lee

  9. zero

  10. uhhh?? nick like miley miley likes this boy lucas who there kinda going out. maybe i think maybe  

  11. your chances are VERY VERY VERY SLIM

    trust me ..u wouldnt want to date her

  12. uhhh.... why would you want to?

    and they're pretty slim, sorry.

  13. if you ever meet her and talk to her and you like each other then i say go it it's you chance don't lose it

    so if you and miley like each other then the chances are 100%

    and if you and miley did'nt like each other then the chances are 30%

  14. Very Very Very Small.

    To her you would probably be just a random fan.

    If there was any chance, you would have to get to know her personally, which would be almost impossible.

    and finally i wouldn't know why you would want to date her anyway as you would be hated by all of her guy fans who only like her for her "looks" which i personally can't see, but yeah. :D:D

    Hope this helps :)

  15. Extremely slim to definitely none.  

  16. .000000000000000000000000000000000000000... %

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