
Im 15 years old, and i smoke.?

by  |  earlier

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like, i know i should stop but i dont want to.

i only smoke like twice a week...

do you really think its that bad?




  1. It could be worse. You could smoke everyday. However, yes, even smoking twice a week is "really that bad". Anytime you get the smoke in your lungs, you are causing damage (even if it's secondhand smoke. I was like, 2 or 3 years old, around a bit of secondhand smoke, and now have permanent lung problems. That was nearly 20 years ago!)

    If you are addicted, you probably won't be able to quit unless it's something *you* want. Not what your folks want, what your friends want, or what anyone else wants, but you and you alone.

  2. YES I THINK ITS HORRIBLE! NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES A WEEK YOU DO IT. that means u smoke 106 times a year that horrible! you should totally quit!

  3. No, it's not that bad. Enjoy yourself. Like I always say, smoking is as close as you can get to having s*x with your lungs!

  4. It is one of the worst thing you could do to your body even twice a week.  

  5. Yes it's bad, you will regret it when you're older and you can't breathe, have cancer, and your toes rot off because your arteries are blocked off from smoking. When that happens, you may even have to get your leg amputated. It's not a pretty picture. So please stop now while you're young.

  6. wow stupid!

    yes its bad  

  7. you'll learn all the facts from this site

    i learned about the facts and reality of drugs,alcohol and smoking.

    stop before it gives you serious damage!

    you dont want yellow teeth...  

  8. All I have to say is...

    You're a really stupid kid.

  9. Its bad.

    80% of smokers start in their teens

    50% of smokers die of conditions related to smoking

    You're young, you have different priorities. But do yourself a favour and stop smoking forever.

    You will be so, so glad you did when you're an adult. and if you keep smoking, become addicted- you'll hate yourself for it.

    Its so f*cking stupid. Seriously.

    Do something else to rebel and think you're cool.  

  10. I am a widower ... why ???

    Because my wife started smoking in her early teens for 10 years ....

    She passed away with lung cancer at her early 40's ....

    The younger you start ... the higher probablility that you will get Chronic Lung Disease and or cancer .... it is time to stop while you have the will power ...

    I wish you the best ....

  11. smoking is not good it damage ur lungues think about wat u are doing before u smoke

  12. Alice,

    Please listen to cryptoxmit and don't smoke. This is very serious, the younger the smoker the worse damage to health.

    Quit it now!

  13. twice a week wont do much harm, however if you begin to smoke on a schedule you know that you have a problem and should then stop im 16 and i smoke on occasion just like you, everything in moderation, you wont lose you leg btw that is the most ridiculous thing i have heard about smoking in a while  

  14. yeah just stop.

    someday you might have kids and you'll either be a bad role model who started smoking at 15 and never quit or a good role model who started smoking at 15 and was able to quit

    they will follow in your foot steps

    if you dont want kids then you'll still regret this later and die early

    that's pretty dumb no offense good luck finding normal friends

  15. Just hopin' for a hole in your throat... :P

    Just try to stop, but hey atleast it's not pot.

    But really you should try to stop because it sucks when you can't breathe well and if you don't stop now it will most likely just get worse when you get older smoking a pack a day or even worse.

  16. Twice a week isn't going to do you any harm, but if you keep smoking there's a good chance you'll smoke more and more. If you get above four cigarettes a day you'll probably get hooked and if you get up to half a pack or a pack a day and keep doing it for many years you'll eventually be at risk for cancer and other diseases when you're old. So -- not the worst thing in the world, certainly less dangerous than drinking or smoking pot, but there is a risk.

  17. Yes it is very bad.  You are going to have major health problems.  If you dont get cancer, you will probably get emphysema.  My roommates Mother can hardly walk across the room without becoming out of breath.  She also has to be on oxygen 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

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