
Im 15 years old and pregnant?

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and i was wondering if my mom finds out can she force me to get an abortion? or adoption?

i dont want to give it up no matter how hard it is. i just want to know can she force me to get any of those done? can i have a say in where it goes in life?




  1. the choice is yours, no one, even your mother can make you do something like that, if your serious enough about raising a child. If push comes to shove, you can file for emancipation and become independent as long as you have a way of supporting yourself. Good luck.

  2. it is your choice about abortion. this is your choice completely

  3. Maybe your mom will surprise you. Remember its her grandchild too. There may be some problems when she first hears the news but after the first emotional thing passes, she might back you 100%. Good luck with the whole situation. I am praying for you.

  4. I know she can't force you to have an abortion.

    But the adoption I'm not too sure about.

    But if it's your mother and she truely cared she'd let you make the descion.

  5. well your under age

    you both have a say

    my aunty was 14 and kept her baby

    im pregnant and 18 still pretty young

    hope everything will work out for you

  6. No you can't get forced by your parents to have an abortion or to give the baby up for adoption. It's your baby and your body. You are the only one that can make the decision. Hope this helps.

  7. I have a good amount of experience on this subject.

    You should Email me so we can talk about it further.

    I would like to help you.

    Your mom can not force you to abort. You have options.

  8. Absolutely not! & DON'T LET HER TELL YOU OTHERWISE. Once you become pregnant you are legally considered an independent person. The law about being 18 or 19 to be an adult is voided if you become pregnant. If she tells you she can make you, don't listen. It's your baby and your body and your choice. However, you should have used protection.

  9. I am pretty sure that once you become a parent yourself that you'd be automatically emancipated from your parents and would be able to make any and all decisions about the baby yourself. As for getting an abortion....I am not sure if she can force you or not....

  10. you are underage but she can not force you into ether.

    does your mother no your sexual active?

    i think you should have a sit down talk with your mom and tell her your feelings about your situation ex-plane why you want to have this child, but don't for get to listen to what she has to say (try avoid the yelling).

    please really think about this as you are a very young soon to be mom you will not be able to take care of this child as well as you would be able to when your able to fully take care of your self. every child deserves a good life and by bringing this baby into this world you have to realise you are not ready and you definitely should consider a abortion as bad as it sounds IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO FOR YOU AND THE BABY!

    as your mussels are still developing in your Virgina and womb it will be a very pain full labour even more then it is for a fully developed woman.

    talk to the baby's dad about all this as well

    x*x best of luck i hope you make the right design

    remember your still young you have your hole life to look forwards to.

    i got pregnant at 15 as well and i had the child i was allot like you and wanted the child i thought it would be fun and all but I'm not saying i don't love my son but i would of made a different decision if i had the choice to go back and make that decision again.


  11. Your mother cannot force you to do anything you dont want to with your child. Just because you are under age you are still the mother. People who may not want you to have this child may twist the truth and make you think you have to do something but you dont. If you live in the Us I know there are family law advisors that you can speak with to learn your rights. You can also go to your local social services office they can also help you with your rights and help you with food, shelter, health insurance and things like that. I dont know what they have in other countries but ask around and you can probably find things to help you. Good luck. And let me just say it is definitely hard to be a parent especially a young parent but your child will bring you so much joy and happiness that your age will be the last thing on your mind. Dont let anyone tell you you cant do it because you can do anything if you put your heart into it.

  12. your body your baby!!!  your mother cannot do anything!! she may go crazy at you, but no she cant force you to do anything!!  I think that you are very brave at 15 to be keeping this baby, and i wish you all the luck!  make sure you have a very serious conversation with your mum about it and show her you are mature enough to handle it!!  if you do go all teenager on her then she may not ba as supportive as you want her to be!!!  you have to grow up a lot now, and you need to understand that your mum will be a big help from now on and you need to be respectful!!  good luck to you and remember you wont be going to the mall or the movies anymore!!!!

  13. Go for some VERY long walks and ask yourself these questions:

    Who is legally responsible for me?

    What will be the best outcome for my situation for everyone (you, fetus, people who love you) involved?

    What do I need to know before I make any decisions?

    Who has had a similar experience who I can talk to?

    How can I turn this situation into a positive outcome?  

    Note, that you ask "if" your Mom fiinds out.  You know she will.  Tell her calmly when you have answers to all of the above questions, and any others you think of and can answer.  Make a plan and have a plan.  Then go to her with a plan.

  14. hie matty itz very sad to hear.itz better goto abortion b'coz you have lot of life to lead infront.which makes u very difficult to sustain

  15. She can't force you to have it done, ultimately it's your baby and your choice.

    Goodluck with it all.

  16. She can't force you, but only guide you to make the right decision.  Are you willing to raise the baby by yourself or will it be your mother's responsibilty?  If you are not able to do so on your own and you need your mom's help, is she financial, physically, and emotionally ready to do so?  Not only do you have to do what is right for your baby and you but what is right for everyone around you because you are underage.  Good luck.

  17. she cant force u to do anything but you should take a step back and look whats best for the baby.....will u be able to hold a job,school and raise a happy healthy baby. how will u pay for insurence for the baby, or feed diaper the baby. IM NOT putting u down i wanna make u see the other side of things before its too late. There is many good families out there wanting babies and u can have a open adoption and pick the family for your baby. good luck and hope u dont think im putting you down.

  18. Aw sweetie I hope you know what you are getting yourself into. My step-daughter is 15 and pregnant. When she told me I was scared and shocked, but after time I told her I was going to support her with whatever decision she makes. Abortion was never a choice for my daughter either. She felt like she was connected with her baby and wanted to raise herself. So she and her boyfriend and keeping this baby, and with help from mom and dad, they will make great parents. I just hope your mom supports you and doesn't try to make you do anything with your baby. Let me tell you though she WILL be shocked and scared, but hopefully she will support you. You need to know everything about your decision before you tell your mom, so it seems like you have his all planned out, and NEVER refuse help when your baby arrives. You WILL need it. But it is never your mother's choice what happens to YOUR baby. So do not let her take your baby away from you! I can feel, that you will be a great mom, and never let anyone tell you other-wise. Just remember the baby comes first!

    Good Luck and God Bless.

    P.S. You can e-mail me if you would like.

    It's :

  19. Your mom cant force you to get an abortion or adoption. It was stupid of you to get yourself in this situation though. Sorry for your luck and for being blunt. Atleast you can tell all your lil friends to smarten up and quit putting out at 15!!

    It amazes me how accepting and supportive people are about teenage pregnancies. It is sick to see kids raising kids!! With the amount of girls under 16 getting pregnant in my generation the future is screwed! Lets all drop out of school and have kids so our nation will be overpopulated and under educated.

    If you are not smart enough to take care of yourself and use birthcontrol than you are not smart enough to raise a child!

  20. She can't force you to get an abortion. It's your body and your choice.

  21. No, she can't force you to have an abortion. Or to give your baby up.If you need to talk to someone,

    Call a pregnancy crisis center. They will help you.

    This is a number for a registry. They can give you your local center.

    (888) 550-7577

    Naturally you already LOVE your baby, even before he/she is born. After all, she/he is a part of you.

    God does not make mistakes.

  22. you need to ask yourself why you don't want to give up the baby. because you think it will be fun? congrats, you've just carved out a long difficult life for yourself. no, your mom can't force you into adoption or abortion. so if you have the baby, she will probably wind up paying for everything, since you're 15 and make no money, don't drive and are probably a freshman in high school. she already had kids and now she is going to wind up supporting another because you got pregnant before you are even considered legal. I agree with jes: "With the amount of girls under 16 getting pregnant in my generation the future is screwed! Lets all drop out of school and have kids so our nation will be overpopulated and under educated." posts like this are so disheartening. good luck.

  23. its your decision. she can say what she wants but she cannot FORCE you to get it done.. trust me!!! good luck. and CONGRATS

  24. I just have to say it is amazing to find someone your age willing to keep it no matter what. To answer your question though, no, your mother can not force you to do anything. She might have some strong opinions but it's ultimately your decision on everything. Congrats and Good luck!

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