
Im 16, minimum wage job..can i afford a car and/or insurance?

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i really want a car..

used is obviously a lot cheaper.

i have a job that pays 7.15 an hour

what kind of car would i be able to

afford thats inexpensive with insurance..

(monthly payments)

and what insurance would be cheapest (rates)

if my parents ended up paying for it and i just

had to pay the car payments




  1. Maybe this resources is useful for you,Have a look,it is free.Good luck for you.

  2. You can easily check your insurance quotes in internet, for example here:

  3. well it depends where you live..with the car insurance...and if you are getting a cheap car it may only be worth insuring the damage you cause to other cars in case of an accident if your at fault..what your getting paid your going to have to save some could get a decent car at 2000-2500..and obviously cheaper but the quality may not be as good.

  4. Well I have to be honest with you.  I Have been in the car business for over 25 years and you have one big problem.  It is not your income but your age.  You can not enter into a contract at the age of 16.  So first you must have your parents buy the car for you and then make the payments to mom and dad.  But if your parents finance the car for you and you make the payments, then this situation is called a straw purchase and I not legal.  Even if you make your payments on time, if the bank finds out that it is a straw purchase they can and will reposes the car at any time. At your age just have your parents find a good economical car for a couple of grand that they can afford to pay cash for.  Then if your parents are responsible, which I am sure they are, make a written agreement with them and pay them monthly.  Even though your parents are financing the vehicle, it still feels great when you pay it off.  Getting a first car is allot of fun, I still remember mine and I did just that.  It was my grandfathers 1978 Chevy Nova and I paid my dad 100.00 a month for 8 months.  I loved that car and still wish that I had it today.  You will make memories in your first car no matter what it is.  And no matter what it looks like, down the road from now when you are older, I promise you will look back at that car and love it.  Take care.

  5. Don't finance a car even if you can afford it.  Save up to buy something cash so insurance will be cheaper too.  If you finance, you are obligated to pay no matter what.  If your hours get cut or you get layed off, they will hound you till you pay.  If the car breaks down and you can't afford the repairs you still have to pay.  At your age, you don't want to ruin your credit or have to file bankruptcy.  Wait till you finish college to get something you really want.  No reason to impress kids with a nice car now when you won't even know most of them in 5 years.

  6. go find the cheapest car possible...   before you buy it call your parents insurance company and ask them for a quote for you with that car.  you'll have to research it a little but you can get a car for that kind of money. it just might be the nicest one on the road

  7. Even if you can find a car you can afford (which is going to be hard), insurance at 16 is going to kill you.

    Insurance doesn't come cheap for a teenager.

    7.15 an hour isn't going to pay for anything. If you do pour 100% of your money into getting a car, you won't have money for anything else.

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