
Im 16,starting college this tuesday,i dont know how many showers to get in a week?

by  |  earlier

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In the uk college starts when your 16,im going three days a week




  1. Urm i don't fully understand...but i go college to,though it'll be my third year -hi five-

    Wow,that was so lame.


    Yea everyday,seriously this guy in my guitar lesson well errr...lets just say it's obvious hygiene isn't high on his list of priorities.

  2. Do NOT shower too often as you will wash away your vital natural fluids. Especially, if you are having s*x very often, you should try to conserve your bodily fluids, so once a month or so should be enough.

    Just for curiosity, what college did you say you were attending?

    p.s. don't you guys know a troll when you see one?

  3. what?

  4. what are you serious? shower daily,like every day

    help with mine plz

  5. have a shower every day like normal people

  6. Shower every day but only wash your hair every other day, unless its dirty/sweaty. Dont go longer than 4 days without a shower

    I'm starting college next week too :) Inductory day on Tuesday and then start the following week. I'm doing the full 5 days a week.

  7. How about 7??  College is hard, but you WILL have time to take a shower.  Trust me, my mom took showers every day, cooked dinner, raised a kid, and cleaned and she survives so you can too.

  8. You should shower daily.

  9. Is going to college a excuse for stinking then?

  10. it completely depends on your hair quality, body reaction. if your health permits you can have pleasure doing daily.

  11. "once a month, im glad i dont live with them"

    show every day of every other day depending how dirty you get.

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