
Im 16 and I my b*****s are lactating. Is this normal? I've never taken birth control and have had s*x once.?

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I have heard that taking birth control and having health issues can cause you to lactate. I have only had s*x once, and we used a condom. I know I am not pregnant because I have had my period twice since then. If anyone has any answers please tell me asap! Its kinda weirding me out.




  1. I'm not completely familiar with lactating before giving birth, but I know it's possible.  You can ask your mom or any sisters--if you have sisters--and see if they had it happen before.  Usually women don't lactate until they have given birth.  You can also call a nurse and ask.  It's completely confidential and local.  If you're unsure of a phone number and don't use the phone book well, it's okay.  If you're in high school (which I'm assuming since you're 16) and somewhere in your student handbook will have phone numbers to call for a nurse, and other phone numbers like a suicide hot line, etc.  Hope I helped!

  2. call your doctor.

  3. i would see a doctor asap and have a blood test to check your prolactin levels checked.  it may be nothing serious, but ocasionally certain conditions can present in this fashion

  4. get to your doctor now it may be harmless but it is a sign of breast cancer better safe than sorry do a pregnancy test anyway some women do continue to have periods throughout pregnancy my girlfriend did. She didnt know she was pregnant until she went into labour we now have a son who is a year old.

  5. Prolactinoma,Hypothyroidism,antiepilecti... medicines like chlorpromazine may be the cause.Have a medical check-up.

  6. You usually lactate when you are pregnant.  People usually don't produce milk spontaneously.

    After you take a pregnancy test go see your doc.

    If you are having any white discharge from your b*****s, you need to make an appointment to be seen by a doctor.   It may just be a pus filled duct or a warning sign of cancer.

  7. you can still have periods when pregnant..better get checked

  8. it is completely normal....  

  9. ok ur lactating......right, there could be  few possible answers here...

    are u a little stressed out?..or a little over weight?..sometimes the 2 of these combined can cause an hormonal teen to experience body change that would be more so associated with an older female....

    have a chat with your doctor about would be easier for him/her to explain this to u then me......but i know what ur going through......go to ur doc plz  

  10. Condoms are only 97 per cent effective, any time you have s*x you can get pregnant.   the ONLY 100 per cent effective method is abstinence.

    And you CAN still be pregnant and have your period.  My doctor as well as many first hand experiences have told me that.

    Time for a pregnancy test.

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