
Im 16 and I want a busy schedule! I'm always bored. Help!?

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I want my hole calander to be full! I need creatvue and fun ways to stay busy and never be home!

10 for best!




  1. Try to hang out with someone at least once a week. Take up a sport and some other activity. Exercise for 30 minutes a day. Read a book for at least 30 minutes a day. Learn something new (sewing, playing the piano...or any instrument, gardening, washing clothes) Try to talk to a friend on the phone at least once a day. Get a job...or a pet. ride your bike, scooter or skateboard. Run 2 miles a day(plus the exercising). Plan a party then host it. Go swimming, to the mall, or to some sort of store.

  2. Well look around at your school.  Is there any clubs that focus on volunteering?  They would be a good place to start.  If you don't want to do just community service, try helping out with any plays and musicals.  Maybe audition for one if that's up your alley?  If not, working backstage, either sorting props, help setting up sets and getting all the work done behind the scenes is hugely important and also fun.  Try finding an animal shelter, a homeless shelter, a soup kitchen.  There's gotta be something in your area to help out and do!  Ask some elderly members in your neighborhood if you can help them with chores... there's so much to do!  Babysit, I could keep going...!

  3. Home is the best place to be, with your family. You sound bright so sit down in your room and think of ten major things you want to do, repeat this every month or so. Don't let it be a piece of cake let it be challenging but reachable.  And of course you want to include doing something for your family and for your community.

    Enjoy your life and take the word boring out of your vocab.

  4. Getting a job is best.

    You can also find some places to volunteer. Its really good for college too. I volunteered at the animal shelter one year.

    You can go through your garage and sell things on ebay.

    Learn how to play an instrument or draw or something artsy.

    Babysit or paint a room

    Be a dog walker

    Learn to cook

    Hang out with friends. Go to arcades, parks, beach...

    If you're into sports join a summer team or practice

    ...really the best thing to do is get a job, I dont know what else to tell ya. But you're sixteen and old enough. Try working a store you go to and like :)

    If you cant find a job, I really incourage you to volunteer. It doesnt sound like a whole lot of fun but there are so many different types. One of my favorites was I helped out with a special needs camp.

    Good luck

  5. If you volunteer for an orchestra or a theater, you can get in to concerts and plays free. Or else try out for your school or community theater plays and rehearsals will take a big bite of your time.

    Another thing you might want to do is locate a cute tutor to help you with your spelling.

  6. sports.


    friends.- beach, movies, mall, anything really.

    community service.

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